英文合同 篇1
THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made on this 16th day of December 20xx by and BETWEEN:-
Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.***-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).
Mr.* ***,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR” and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).
WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,***-*,DHA, Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES).
AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:-
1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period.
2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months
Commencing from 15th January 20xx. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period
3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month
4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month.
5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 20xx.
6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the (來自:www.zaidian.cOm 在 點 網)sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES.
1. To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned.
2. That the LESSEE shall not at any time during the terms, without the consent in writing of the LESSOR, pull down, damages or make any structure alterations to the DEMISED PREMESES provided always, the LESSEE shall have go write install any fixtures and fittings excluding air-conditioners in the DEMISED PREMESES, to detach and repossess the same s
ubject to the restoration of the DEMISED PREMESES to their original state at his cost (reasonable wear and tear excepted) on the expiry of this lease or any renewal hereof.
3. To use the DEMISES PREMISES for residential purpose and would not be used for a commercial purpose the DEMISES PREMISE would not be used occupied by Mr. **** And family.
4. Not to sublet the whole or any part of the premises.
5. To pay regularly the bills for Electricity, Gas, Water and Telephone charges in respect of the DEMISED PREMISES. A copy of all the paid utility bill be forwarded to the LESSOR every three month regularly. In case of disconnection of any facility due to non-payment, LESSEE will be responsible to get them restored and pay the same. All dues must be cleared before the expiry of the LEASE.
6. The LESSEE shall keep and maintain the said premises in good and tenantable conditions during the tenure of the lease.
1. To pay all existing and future rate, taxes assessments and other charges of a public nature whether impose by the Municipality, Government or any other authority in respect of DEMISED PREMISES.
2. Not to erect or set up a building or structure on the DEMISES PREMISES nor to add to any existing building or structure during the period of lease or any renewal without the written consent of the LESSEE.
1. The LESSEE and the LESSOR shall have the right and option to terminate this Lease at any time only after the expiry of the lease period i.e., 24 months, provided they give ONE (1) month notice in advance to either of the parties.
2. The meter reading of various utilities are as given below:-
a) ELECRICITY ———————— ————————
b) GAS ———————— ————————
c) TELEPHONE ———————— ————————
d) WATER ———————— ————————
3. That the LESSEE has also agreed with the LESSOR for a mandatory increase in rent by 10% per annum, the rent would be enhanced to Rs.36,300/-( Rupees Thirty Six Thousand and Three
Hundred Only), should the LESSOR and I ESSEE mutually to renew the Lease. It can be negotiated between the parties.
WHEREOF THE PARTIES hereto have executed these presents on the and day above written.
Mrs. Ghazala waheed
NIC NO._______________________
Chinese passport no.___________________
英文合同 篇2
Contract No. 合同號: ___
THIS SERVICE CONTRACT (“Contract”) is made on the __th day of ____.
Party A (Client) 甲方 (客戶)
Party B ( Supplier of Service) 乙方 (服務方)
WHEREAS, Party A may from time to time demand business service from Party B in Hong Kong
and Mainland China; and Party B has the resources and capability to provide such services;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing of mutual covenants and conditions herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows.
Article 1: Services第一條:服務內容
1. Administration Support - hotel reservation, transportation arrangement, air ticket booking,
schedule arrangement, counsel etc.
2. Verbal translation service during business trip in Hong Kong or Mainland China (Chinese -
English, Chinese – Hungarian).
3. Written translation service, incl. commercial documents and related product information
(Chinese – English, English - Chinese)
4. Local market research and report市場調查與報告
5. Sourcing support, incl. sample collection and delivery
6. Purchasing Support (if Party B receives the formal order from Party A) - production status track & update, quality inspection & acceptance, storage and shipping arrangement (incl. document preparation, custom clearance and other necessary support for both sea and air shipment.) A sales contract shall be entered between the Parties for such purchasing support and the sales contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancy.
Article 2: Service Rates & Adjustment 第二條:費率及調整
Party B shall charge for its services stipulated as above and the rates listed in Party B’s formal
quotation shall apply.
Party B shall issue invoice to Party A according to the quotation confirmed by Party A. Party A
shall pay the amount indicated in the invoice before receiving service from Party B.
Article 3: Confidentiality 第三條:保密
In performance of the services under this contract, Party B may receive proprietary and confidential information from Party A. All such information shall be safeguarded and not be disclosed to third parties without approval by Party A.
Article 4 Entire Agreement & Amendment 第四條:完整性與修改
This Contract and its Appendices (including but not limited to quotation) constitute the final, complete and exclusive statement of the contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof. It supersedes all prior communications, understandings and agreements relating to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written. No modification or claimed waiver of any provision
of this Contract shall be valid except by written amendment signed by authorized representatives of the parties through negotiation.
Article 5 Dispute Resolution 第五條:爭議解決
If any dispute or difference of whatsoever kind shall arise in connection with or arising out of this
Contract, the Parties shall solve attempt to resolve such dispute through friendly consultations. If
such attempt fails, either party shall be entitled to submit the dispute to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
Article 6: Language 第六條:語言
This contract shall be written in both Chinese and English. Both language versions are equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the English version shall prevail.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Contract to be signed by their authorized representatives. It shall valid for __ months from the execution date of this contract.
期 個月。
Party A’s Representative: 甲方代表
Name and Title (Print): ______ 代表姓名/職位(打印或正楷書寫):______
Signature: 簽名:
Party B’s Representative:乙方代表
Name and Title (Print): 代表姓名/職位(打印或正楷書寫):
Signature: 簽名:
英文合同 篇3
1、本合同簽署有效期自____年_____月 ______日至_____年_____ 月____日,其中前____個月為試銷期。
1、甲方授權乙方經銷甲方 _________酒產品。
2、甲方授予乙方______酒產品的銷售區域僅限 。
1、價格按全國統一價執行 ( 價格表附合同 ) 。
1、乙方應建立起本區域完整的銷售網絡,保證經銷甲方的產品在經銷區域內終端鋪貨達到:商超 家,酒店______家,酒樓______家 ( 附終端明細目錄 ) ,產品進入所有終端網點鋪貨覆蓋率第一個月應達到______% ,第二個月以后保持在_____%以上,每月建設堆頭、端架的商超數量應保持在商超總數量的_____%以上,經甲方確認。
2、乙方在經銷期內必須完成銷售任務 萬元人民幣(按實際回款額計算),其中首批回款 萬元,月度銷售比例及任務如下:
│月份│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │合計│
│比例│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│任務│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
3、經銷期(包括試銷期和正式經銷期)內乙方保證完成月度銷售任務 ,按合同約定完成終端鋪貨,建設商超堆頭、端架。若在合約期內乙方連續累計無法完成兩個月度銷售任務,或不能按合同約定完成終端鋪貨數量和商超堆頭、端架建設數量,甲方有權取消經銷商資格。
4、在試銷期內, 乙方完成合同約定的月度任務、終端鋪貨率、商超堆頭建設數量,則轉為正式經銷商,甲方發經銷商確認通知函。
5、乙方保證合同指定產品均在限定區域內銷售,如竄區域銷售,甲方不予兌現銷售獎勵,并根據數量乙方支付甲方 _____元/件-- _______元/件的違約金,或甲方有權取消經銷商資格。
3、甲方每月對乙方的考核截止日為當月的_____ 日。
5 、屬甲方投入進店費的終端網點,進店所有權應歸甲方。
3、若雙方解約,乙方市場完好無損仍有銷售價值的產品,甲方按乙方進貨價 ____% 的價格回收,與甲方有關并由甲方提供的資料,乙方應無條件交回甲方。
│甲 方: │乙 方: │
│代 表人: │代 表人: │
│簽約時間: │簽約時間: │
│ 酒經銷商準入條件 │
1 、經銷商在當地具有合法酒類經營資格、獨立的法人資格,提供酒類營業執照、衛生許可證、稅務登記證等相關證件原件和復印件。
2 、經銷商具有較強的經濟實力和健全的終端銷售網絡,有兩年以上酒類經營的成功經驗,具備良好的商業信譽。
3 、經銷商提供市場完整、準確、真實的終端明細目錄,經銷商簽字并加蓋公章,供本公司考察、確認。
4 、具有固定的營業場所及辦公地點,具有較強的儲備、配貨能力。
5 、擁有一支長期穩定的促銷、銷售隊伍,并提供詳細名單,供本公司考察、確認。
6 、經銷商認可本公司操作市場的營銷理念,具備市場開拓管理能力。
7 、廠商達成協議或簽訂合同時,經銷商應先交納 ____ - ______元的合同保證金,以保證合同的有效執行。
│ 經銷商調查表編號:QG/XS(銷售)007 │
│市 場 │姓 名 │性 別 │年 齡 │文 化 程 度 │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│資 金 實 │ │
│力 │ │
│信 譽 程 │ │
│度 │ │
│配 送 能 │ │
│力 │ │
│市 場 關 │ │
│系 │ │
│經營產品范│ │
│圍、狀況 │ │
│酒類產品經│ │
│營狀況 │ │
│可投入資金│ │
│人力資源 │ │
│終 端 網 │ │
│絡 │ │
│時間: │
│調查人: │
英文合同 篇4
目 錄
第四條 承諾抵押品的抵押范圍及重新發運
第七條 代理人指定及貸方行為
第八條 承諾抵押品的出售及處理
第十一條 違約情況下承諾抵押品的收益應用
第十二條 有價證券法律的遵守
1.1 Use of Defined Terms. Unless otherwise expressly specified herein, defined terms denoting the singular number shall, when in the plural form, denote the plural number of the matter or item to which such defined terms refer, and vice-versa. The Section, Schedule and Exhibit headings used in this Pledge Agreement are descriptive only and shall not affect the construction or meaning of any provision of this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, the words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereunder” and other similar words refer to this Pledge Agreement as a whole and not just to the Section, subsection or clause in which they are used; and the words “this Agreement” refer to this Pledge Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, references to Sections, Recitals,
Schedules and Exhibits are references to Sections of, and Recitals, Schedules and Exhibits to this Agreement.
1.2 Statements as to Knowledge. Any statements, representations or warranties which are based upon the knowledge of the Pledgor shall be deemed to have been made after due inquiry with respect to the matter in question.
2.1 Pledge by Pledgor. The Pledgor hereby pledges, and assigns to the Lender, and hereby transfers to the Lender all right, title, ownership and interest in and to (all the foregoing herein called the “Pledge”), the following described property hereinafter called the “Pledged Collateral”: the ______ shares of ______ ( ), together with any certificates, whether physical or electronic, evidencing such shares (collectively, the “Pledged Shares”) and all cash, instruments, securities or other property representing a dividend or other distribution on any of the Pledged Shares, or representing a distribution or return of capital upon or in respect of the Pledged Shares, or
resulting from a split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the Pledged Shares or otherwise received in exchange therefore, and any warrants, rights or options issued to the holders of, or otherwise in respect of, the Pledged Shares, and all proceeds thereof (collectively, the “Pledged Collateral”).
3.1 Non-Recourse Loan and Pledge. The Lender agrees, for itself, its representatives, successors and assigns that: (i) neither the Pledgor, nor any representative, successor, assign or affiliate of the Pledgor, shall be personally liable for the Principal Loan Amount; and (ii) the Lender, and any such representative, successor or assignee, shall look only to the property identified in this Pledge Agreement for payment of the Obligations and will not make any claim or institute any action or
proceeding against the Pledgor, or any representatives, successors, assigns or affiliate of the Pledgor, for any deficiency remaining after collection upon the Pledged Collateral, except as provided below.
Provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Pledgor is and will remain personally liable for any deficiency remaining after collection of the Pledges Collateral to the extent of any loss suffered by Lender, or its representatives, successors, endorsees or assigns, is caused by Pledgor based in whole or in part upon damages arising from any fraud, misrepresentations or the breach of any representation, warranty or agreement in the Loan Documents.
第四條 承諾抵押品的抵押范圍及重新發運
4.1 Pledge Absolute. The Pledgor hereby agrees that this Pledge Agreement shall be binding upon the Pledgor and that the Pledge of the Pledged Collateral hereunder shall be binding upon the Pledgor and that the Pledge of the Pledged Collateral hereunder shall be irrevocable and
unconditional, irrespective of the validity, legality or enforceability of the Loan Agreement and any other Loan Document, even in the absence of any action to enforce the same, the waiver or consent by the Lender with respect to any provision thereof, or any action to enforce the same or any other similar circumstances. The Pledgor hereby waives diligence, presentment, demand of payment, filing of claims with a court in the event of merger or bankruptcy of the Pledgor, any
notice to require a proceeding first against the Pledgor or any other Person, protest or notice with respect to indebtedness evidenced hereby and all demands whatsoever, and covenants that this Agreement will remain in full force and effect so long as any Obligations under the Loan Agreement remains unpaid.
4.2 Termination and Redelivery of the Pledged Collateral. This Agreement shall terminate when all of the Pledgor’s Obligations have been paid in full. Within five business days of the Pledgor’s satisfaction of the Obligations, the Lender shall reassign all right, title, ownership and interest in identical securities, as described in IRC 1058 to the Pledgor and redeliver the Pledged Collateral, without recourse or warranty, at the sole expense of the Lender. The Lender shall also deliver appropriate instruments of reassignment and release. Provided, however, that this Agreement shall be reinstated if any payment in respect of the Obligations is rescinded, invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential or otherwise required to be restored or returned by the Lender for any reason, including without limitation by reason of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the Pledgor or any other person. For the purpose of this Pledge Agreement and the Loan Documents, a return of identical securities means a return of the Pledged Shares as modified as a result of any split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the Pledged Shares. Any cash or shares tendered to buy down the Loan due to the occurrence of an Event of Default are not subject to redelivery and do not become part of the Pledged Collateral.
協議終止及承諾抵押品的重新發運。本協議于抵押人所有債務完全付清之后終止。在抵押人付清債務的五個工作日內,貸方應如IRC 1058中的描述向抵押人重新分配相同有價證券中的一切權利,所有權和利益,無追索權或保證的情況下重新運送承諾抵押品,費用僅由
英文合同 篇5
Individual Mortgage Loan Contract for Purchasing
Commercial Housing
Agricultural Bank of China
GF Zi No.12105200500001133
Guarantor: HUANG Wenya (sealed)
In accordance with relevant state laws and rules, the contract is made after negotiations between the both parties.
Loan items
Article 1. Loan money:
The debitor provides loan to the creditor to purchase the residential house. The contracted loaning amount: Article 2. Loan purpose:
To purchase the housing locate The contract number of the debtor: Article 3. Loan period
Article 4. Loan interests
1. by the Bank of China. In the event that the Bank of China adjusts the interest rate of the loan, from Jan.1 the next year, the debtor performs the interest payment according to the new loans confirmed by the floating scope between the adjusted standard interest and the lending rate agreed in the contract. It will not notify the debtor, the guarantor and the mortgager again.
2. If the borrower doesn’t refund the loan in accordance with the contract, from the overdue time, the lender has the right to call for additional money as penalty until the corpus and interests are paid off. Following the measure will be complied with. day
3. The creditor has the right to call for percent raising money as penalty at the basis of the annual interest rate stipulated in the contract. In the event that the Bank of China adjusts the interest rate of the loan, the loan rate under the contract shall comply with the relevant regulation from the day of adjusting rate.
4. If the borrower does not use the money according to the purpose stipulated in the contract, the lender has the right to call for percent raising money as penalty at the basis of the annual interest rate stipulated in the contract. In the event that the Bank of China adjusts the interest rate of the loan, the loan rate under the contract shall comply with the relevant regulation from the day of adjusting rate.
Article 5.
Under the circumstances that the following conditions are not achieved, the lender has the right not to provide the loan stipulated in the contract.
1. The borrower shall offer relevant documents, materials and credence in accordance with the requirements of the lender. And the borrower shall
handle the relevant procedures.
2. The purchasing money of the first period and the money related to the contract have been paid off.
3. If the contract has a guarantor and the procedures of relevant registration and/or insurance have been settled in accordance with the requirements of the borrower, this guarantee keeps effective.
4. The borrower, the guarantor and the mortgager don't make any disadvantageous matters which will affect the safety of loan.
Article 6. Transferring methods:
The borrower opens an account in the lender’s bank. The account name is The opening bank iscard number is measure.
1. The debtor irrevocably accredits the lender to transfer the money to the above settle account, then transfer to the house seller ), to pay the money agreed in the contract of purchasing house.
2. The borrower irrevocably accredits the lender to transfer the money to ) (Account number),
Article 7 Loan payment
1. The borrower pays the principal and interest of the load under this of If there is not the day of borrowing, the payment day is the last day of every month. The borrower
(1) Equal capital and interest payment.
(2) Equal capital descending payment.
(3)Other methods of payments
2. If picking up the equal capital and interest payment, the borrower shall pay Article 8 Prepayment
1. If Borrower needs to refund in advance, it shall note Lender one month before refund day and the notice is irrevocable upon delivery. On the precondition that the borrower promises to refund the money agreed in following item 2 due to breach of contract and the premises that the borrower abides by the prescription of prepayment, the lender may agree prepayment.
2. If the borrower has prepayment days after the real day of loan lender in advance.
Article 9 Change of payment time
If the borrower wants to change the payment time, he shall submit a written application to the lender 30days in advance. After the approval of the guarantor and the mortgager, the borrower can sign the agreement of the changing of the limit time and handle relevant insurances and guarantee procedures.
Article 10 Transfer of creditor's rights and debt
The borrower can transfer the rights and interests to the third party without the permission of the lender, guarantor and the mortgager.
Article 11 Borrower’s declaration and guarantee
Article 12
Between the time of signing and the time of distributing money, if the borrower and the house seller have disputes about the rights and quality of the house, or it occurs some matters that may cause the borrower incapable of paying money, the lender has the right to terminate the contract.
Guaranty of the Loan
Article 13 Premises Guarantee
The scope of mortgage is principal and interest of loan punished interest and the cost of real claims.
Article 14 Mortgage Guarantee
1. The mortgager voluntarily mortgager the following belongings The above guaranty is an integral part of the contract. moment.
3. The scope of mortgage include the capital, the interest, the fine, compound interest, the money of breach of the contract, the compensation for damage of loan and all the fees that realize the creditor’s rights.
4. The declaration and guarantee of the mortgager
5. The efficacy of mortgage rights
6. The control and management of the guaranty
7. The insurance of the mortgage
8. The registration of the mortgage
9. The realization of the mortgage rights
The duties of breach of the contract
Article 15 Duties of the debtor
When the Mortgager fails to pay the principal, interest and relevant expenses in full amount on time or fails to wholly perform its states or warranties under the contract, it will constitute a breach of contract. The mortgager shall pay the money of breach of the contract according to the quantity and the delaying days.
英文合同 篇6
出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :
承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :
in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.
一、 物業地址 location of the premises
party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .
二、 房屋面積 size of the premises
the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size).
三、 租賃期限 lease term
the lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will clear the premises and provide it to party b for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year).
四、 租金 rental
1. 數額:雙方商定租金為每月人民幣_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付給甲方 。
amount: the rental will be ____________per month. party b will pay the rental
to party a in the form of ____________in ________________.
2. 租金按_____月為壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前繳納,先付后住(若乙方以匯款形式支付租金,則以匯出日為支付日,匯費由匯出方承擔)。甲方收到租金后予書面簽收。
payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s). the first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.
party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.
3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超過十天,則每天以月租金的0.5%支付滯納金;如乙方逾期支付租金超過十五天,則視為乙方自動退租,構成違約,甲方有權收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責任。
in case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, party b will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, party b will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. in this situation, party a has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party b's breach.
五、 保證金 deposit
1. 為確保房屋及其附屬設施之安全與完好,及租賃期內相關費用之如期結算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付給甲方保證金人民幣 _________元整,甲方在收到保證金后予以書面簽收。
guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party b will pay _________to party a as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.
2. 除合同另有約定外,甲方應于租賃關系消除且乙方遷空、點清并付清所有應付費用后的當天將保證金全額無息退還乙方。
unless otherwise provided for by this contract, party a will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party b clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.
3. 因乙方違反本合同的規定而產生的違約金、損壞賠償金和其它相關費用,甲方可在保證金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知后十日內補足。
in case party b breaches this contract, party a has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . in case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, party b should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from party a.
六、 甲方義務 obligations of party a
1. 甲方須按時將房屋及附屬設施(詳見附件)交付乙方使用。
party a will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to party b for using.
2. 房屋設施如因質量原因、自然損耗或災害而受到損壞,甲方有修繕并承擔相關費用的責任。
in case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or disasters, party a will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.
3. 甲方應確保出租的房屋享有出租的權利,反之如乙方權益因此遭受損害,甲方應負賠償責任。
party a will guarantee the lease right of the premises. otherwise, party a will be responsible to compensate party b's losses.
七、 乙方義務 obligations of party b
1. 乙方應按合同的規定按時支付定金、租金及保證金。
party b will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time.
2. 乙方經甲方同意,可在房屋內添置設備。租賃期滿后,乙方將添置的設備搬走,并保證不影響房屋的完好及正常使用。
party b may decorate the premises and add new facilities with party a's approval. when this contract expires, party b may take away the added facilities which are removable without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use.
3. 未經甲方同意,乙方不得將承租的房屋轉租或分租,并愛護使用該房屋如因乙方過失或過錯致使房屋及設施受損,乙方應承擔賠償責任。
party b will not transfer the lease of the premises or sublet it without party a's approval and should take good care of the premises. otherwise, party b will be responsible to compensate any damages of the premises and attached facilities caused by its fault and negligence.
4. 乙方應按本合同規定合法使用該房屋,不得擅自改變使用性質。乙方不得在該房屋內存放危險物品。否則,如該房屋及附屬設施因此受損,乙方應承擔全部責任。
party b will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in it. otherwise, party b will be responsible for the damages caused by it
5. 乙方應承擔租賃期內的水、電、煤氣、電訊、收視費、等一切因實際使用而產生的費用,并按單如期繳納。
party b will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.
八、 合同終止及解除的'規定 termination and dissolution of the contract
1. 乙方在租賃期滿后如需退租或續租,應提前兩個月通知甲方,由雙方另行協商退租或續租事宜。在同等條件下乙方享有優先續租權。
within two months before the contract expires, party b will notify party a if it intends to extend the leasehold. in this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension.
2. 租賃期滿后,乙方應在當天將房屋交還甲方;任何滯留物,如未取得甲方諒解,均視為放棄,任憑甲方處置,乙方決無異議。
when the lease term expires, party b will return the premises and attached facilities to party a within days. any belongings left in it without party a's previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by party b. in this situation, party a has the right to dispose of it and party a will raise no objection.
3. 本合同一經雙方簽字后立即生效;未經雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協商。
this contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement. anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties
九、 違約及處理 breach of the contract
1. 甲、乙雙方任何一方在未征得對方諒解的情況下,不履行本合同規定條款,導致本合同中途中止,則視為該方違約,雙方同意違約金為人民幣___________元整,若違約金不足彌補無過錯方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。
during the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other party's understanding will be deemed to breach the contract. both parties agree that the default fine will be________________. in case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.
2. 若雙方在執行本合同或與本合同有關的事情時發生爭議,應首先友好協商;協商不成,可向有管轄權的人民法院提起訴訟。本合同一經雙方簽字后立即生效;未經雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協商。
both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. in case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.
十、 其他 miscellaneous
1. 本合同附件是本合同的有效組成部分,與本合同具有同等法律效力。
any annex is the integral part of this contract. the annex and this contract are equally valid.
2. 本合同壹式貳份,甲、乙雙方各執一份。
there are 2 originals of this contract. each party will hold 1 original(s).
3. 甲、乙雙方如有特殊約定,可在本款另行約定:
other special terms will be listed bellows:
甲 方:
party a
id no
電 話:
代 理 人:
日 期:
英文合同 篇7
甲方: Party A: 法定代表人(主要負責人)或委托代理人: Legal Representative (main responsible person) or Entrusted Agent: 地址: Address:
乙方: Party B (Employee): 性別: Gender: 通訊地址: Communication Address: 居民身份證號碼 ID Card No.: 聯系電話: Telephone:
根據《中華人民共和國勞動法》、《中華人民共和國勞動合同法》的有關規定,雙方遵循公平合法、平等自愿、協商一致、誠實信用原則,訂立本合同。 The contract is hereby concluded by both parties in accordance with Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, consensus through negotiation and good faith.
Contract Term
第一條 本合同為固定期限勞動合同。 本勞動合同期限為 年,其中試用期至 年 月日止。本合同于 年 月 日終止。
Article 1 : Party A and Party B signs a fixed-term labor contract. The contract lasts for ___ year(s), from _________to ________. Theprobation is ____ month(s), from ________ to ________.
Working Contents and Working Place
第二條 乙方同意根據甲方工作需要,擔任 崗位(工種)工作。
Article 2 : Party B agrees to engage in_____________(post, work posts) according to needs of the Party A.
第三條 乙方的工作地點為: 。 Article 3 : The working place of Party B is ______________.
Working Hours and Rest Hours
第四條 甲、乙雙方同意按以下方式確定乙方的工作時間(正常工作時間:
上午8:30—11:30,下午:12:30—17:30,11:30—12:30為午餐時間。): 標準工時制,即每日工作 小時,每周工作 天。
Article 4 : Both parties agree Party B’s working hours are specified as follows (normal working hours: 8:30 – 11: 30, 12:30 – 17: 30; lunch time: 11:30 – 12: 30.) : Standard working hours system, i.e. ____ hour(s)/day, ____ day(s)/week;
第五條 乙方依法享受國家規定的法定節假日。
Article 5 : Party B is entitled to have the legal holidays stipulated by the country.
Labor Remuneration
第六條 甲方每月 日以貨幣的形式足額支付乙方工資,結算周期為上月月到上月月末,實行先工作后發薪的制度。乙方正常工作基本月薪 。
Article 6:Party A shall pay off salary to Party B in currency on the of every month. The pay period is from the beginning to the end of last month. Party
B works before paid.
乙方在試用期期間的工資為 元。 Party B’s normal basic salary is ________. Party B’s probation period salary is RMB________.
第七條 甲方調整乙方工作崗位的,根據乙方能力及其相關職位,雙方協商一致后調整乙方勞動報酬。
Article 7: Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted as per Party B’s competence and job requirements on the basis of consensus in case Party A adjust Party B’s job.
Social Welfare and Benefits
第八條 甲方按國家和地方政策規定為乙方辦理社會保險有關手續,并承擔相應的義務。 Article 8 : Party A shall deal with the relevant formalities of social security for Party B according to the country and local policies and take up the relevant liabilities.
第九條 乙方患職業病或因工負傷后的工資和醫療補助執行按照國家和地方的有關法律法規執行。 Article 9: The salary and Medicare benefits of Party B in case of occupational diseases or work-related injuries shall be paid in accordance with the relevant national an local laws and regulations.
第十條 乙方患職業病或因工負傷的待遇按國家的有關規定執行。
Article 10: If Party B suffers illness or non-work related injury, Party A shall implement relevant state provisions.
Labor protection, labor condition and occupational harm prevention and cure
第十一條 甲方根據生產崗位的需要,按照國家有關勞動安全、衛生的`規定為乙方配備必要的安全防護措施,發放必要的勞動保護用品。 Article 11: Party A shall equip Party B with the necessary safety protection measures and issue the necessary labor protection articles according to the needs of the post and the rules of the labor safety and hygiene.
第十二條 甲方應當建立、健全職業病防治責任制度,加強對職業病防治的管理,提高職業病防治水平。
Article 12 : Party A shall set up and optimize the occupational disease cure responsibility system, enforce the management over the occupational disease and promote the cure level of the occupational disease.
Change, Cancellation, Termination and Renewal of the Labor Contract
第十三條 甲乙雙方解除、變更、終止、續訂勞動合同應當依照《勞動合同法》和國家及省、市等有關規定執行。
Article 13 :If the parties revoke, modify, terminate and extent the labor contract, they shall perform them according to the relevant rules of the LaborContract Law and the country, province and city etc.
第十四條 甲方應在解除或者終止勞動合同時,為乙方出具解除或者終止勞動合同的證明,并在15日內為勞動者辦理相關手續。乙方應在甲方出具解除或者終止勞動合同的證明后10日內辦理工作移交,如涉及經濟補償的按國家有關規定在辦結工作交接時支付。
Article 14 :Upon the revocation or termination of the labor contract, Party Ashall issue the certification for revocation or termination of the labor contract to Party B and deal with the relevant formalities for the laborer within fifteen
(15)days. Party B shall make the work handover within ten (10) days after issuance by Party A of the certificate of revocation or termination of the labor contract Regarding any economic compensation, they shall be paid upon the handover of the work according to the rules of the country.
Labor Dispute Resolutions
第十五條 雙方發生爭議,任何一方當事人可向甲方所在地的勞動爭議仲裁委員會申訴,由仲裁委員會依法調解或裁決。如對仲裁不服,向甲方所在地人民法院起訴,一方當事人期滿不起訴但又不執行裁決的,另方當事人可向人民法院申請強制執行。
Article 15 :In case disputes arise between two parties, either party can appeal to
labour disputes arbitration commission at party A’s location, subject to mediation or adjudication by arbitration commission. In case of disobedience of arbitrationresult, either party can sue to the court at party A’s location. Either party neitherbrings the lawsuit during the valid period nor performs the adjudication; the otherparty has the right to apply for forcible execution to the court. 第十六條 乙方承諾本合同乙方通訊地址為甲方向乙方寄送郵件信函的地址,甲方按該地址寄送的郵件信函如無法送達被退回即視為該郵件已送達乙方。 Article 16 :Party B promises his correspondence address of the contract shallbe the address that Party A sends the letters or mails to Party B. If any letters ormails are not returned or undeliverable after Party A sends them, it is deemed thatthey have arrived at Party B. 第十七條 本合同未盡事宜,應按國家現行法律、法規、規章執行。本合同條款如與國家法律、法規、政策相抵觸時,以國家規定為準。
Article 17:Affairs unmentioned in this contract shall be executed accordingto present laws, statutes and regulations of the state. In case any contradictionarises between the articles of this contract and laws, statutes or policies of the state,the latter shall be referred to as final.
第十八條 本合同一式兩份,甲乙雙方各執一份,經甲乙雙方簽字蓋章后生效。
兩份合同具同等法律效力。 Article 18 :The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties. The two copies areequally authentic.
甲方(公 章): Party A: 法定代表人(主要負責人)或委托代理人
Date:: 年 月 日 Legal Representative or Entrusted Agent: (signature or seal) Party B:
英文合同 篇8
編號: No:
日期: Date :
簽約地點: Signed at:
地址:Address: 郵政編碼:Postal Code:
電話:Tel: 傳真:Fax:
地址:Address: 郵政編碼:Postal Code:
電話:Tel: 傳真:Fax:
The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:
1 貨號 Article No.
2 品名及規格 Description&Specification
3 數量 Quantity
4 單價 Unit Price
5 總值:
Total Amount
With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.
6 生產國和制造廠家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer
7 包裝: Packing:
8 嘜頭: Shipping Marks:
9 裝運期限:Time of Shipment:
10 裝運口岸:Port of Loading:
11 目的口岸:Port of Destination:
12 保險:由賣方按發票全額110%投保至_____為止的_____險。
Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.
13 付款條件:
買方須于_____年_____月_____日將保兌的,不可撤銷的,可轉讓可分割的即期信用證開到賣方。 信用證議付有效期延至上列裝運期后15天在中國到期,該信用證中必須注明允許分運及轉運。
By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.
14 單據:Documents:
15 裝運條件:Terms of Shipment:
16 品質與數量、重量的.異義與索賠:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:
17 人力不可抗拒因素:
Force Majeure:
Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.
18 仲裁:
All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.
19 備注:Remark:
賣方:Sellers: 買方:Buyers:
簽字:Signature: 簽字:Signature:
日期: 合同號碼:
Date: Contract No.:
買 方: (The Buyers) 賣方: (The Sellers)
This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:
(1) 商品名稱:
Name of Commodity:
(2) 數 量:
(3) 單 價:
Unit price:
(4) 總 值:
Total Value:
(5) 包 裝:
(6) 生產國別:
Country of Origin :
(7) 支付條款:
Terms of Payment:
(8) 保 險:
(9) 裝運期限:
Time of Shipment:
(10) 起 運 港:
Port of Lading:
(11) 目 的 港:
Port of Destination:
(12)索賠:在貨到目的口岸45天內如發現貨物品質,規格和數量與合同不附,除屬保險公司或船方 責任外,買方有權憑中國商檢出具的檢驗證書或有關文件向賣方索賠換貨或賠款。
Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers
(13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由發生在制造,裝載或運輸的過程中導致賣方延期交貨或不 能交貨者,賣方可免除責任,在不可抗力發生后,賣方須立即電告買方及在14天內以 空郵方式向買方提供事故發生的證明文件,在上述情況下,賣方仍須負責采取措施盡 快發貨。
Force Majeure :
The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after 。 the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.
(14)仲裁:凡有關執行合同所發生的一切爭議應通過友好協商解決,如協商不能解決,則將分歧提 交中國國際貿易促進委員會按有關仲裁程序進行仲裁,仲裁將是終局的,雙方均受其約束,仲裁費用由敗訴方承擔。
Arbitration :
All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission 。 the Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.
買方: 賣方:
-------------------- ---------------------
(授權簽字) (授權簽字)
英文合同 篇9
Buyer: 買方:
Add.: 地址:
Seller: 賣方:
Add.: 地址:
This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.
此銷售合同(以下簡稱“合同”)根據 <<中華人民共和國合同法>>及相關法律法規并經由買賣雙方經平等協商后共同簽定,買方與賣方均同意以下條款和條件購買和出售貨物。
1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 勞保手套
Grey cow split leather .The leather palm is to measure 205 mm from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist and 125 mm hand wide.
PRICE OF PAIR: 價格:每雙:6元人民幣
QUANTITY: 4000 pair 數量:4000雙
2. Delivery: 交貨方式:
Description, quantity, unit price, total amount and other details of the goods ordered please refer to detail order, invoice and packing list. The name of the issuing company of invoice must be the same as the seller.
The seller shall deliver the goods to the warehouse as previously agreed between the two parties.賣方應把貨物送交至雙方事先約定的倉庫購銷合同中英文模板購銷合同中英文模板。
The quality of all the garments shall answer for the updated, valid Standard of the Nation and the industry. In case the garments are unqualified or for other reason that shall ascribe the seller’s fault, which brings losses of or damages (including but not limited to fine, expropriate, damage to Goodwill, lawyer’s fee and other losses for the buyer ’s breach of law or contract because of the seller fault) to the buyer, the buyer shall has the right to ask seller for damages.
Seller shall provide 7 original copies of "Approved" Quality Inspection Certificate for each leather used to produce 7 days before the delivery date. The certificate must be issued by a Chinese official quality testing department, the samples that the seller send to quality test lab shall be representative, can represent the quality of the goods, and the test must follow the Basic Standard and include the composition of the fabric. The buyer will settle the payment according to the contract after received the test report and other related documentations (Packing list, Invoice of Goods etc.).
賣方應于交貨日 七 日前向買方提供由中國官方質檢部門認可的質檢機構出具的所有用來制作。手套的面料的合格質檢報告原件 7 份,賣方向質檢機構送檢的樣品應具有代表性,能夠代表大貨質量,質檢報告應包含國家標準的安全技術要求事項。買方在收到質檢報告、裝箱單、貨物發票等其他文件后按合同約定付款。
For all the goods, the seller shall issue invoice to the buyer, the invoice shall be invoiced to: Co., Ltd
所有貨物應由賣方向買方開具發票,發票抬頭需開列買方單位名稱為 。
Kind of invoice issued: People’s Republic of China VAT invoice
Terms of Payment: Total amount of payment of goods shall be paid in RMB within 30 days issued the invoices.
Upon signing the contract, the seller shall provide bank information for the buyer to effect payment.
A/C No.:
5. Intellectual Property Right 知識產權
All the goods, documents and materials that the Seller gets to may concerns intellectual property right of the buyer may contains trade marks, copyright and business secret of the buyer. The seller shall keep secret and shall procure that its employee, agent and any other persons who may have access to the above-mentioned information keep confidentiality and shall not use it for any purpose at any time or disclose to any third party. The seller shall not sell, transfer any products or materials to any third party except for the buyer that concerns trade marks, other logo or marks, copyright and other intellectual property right of the buyer, even if for the out season products, substandard products, rest products and unused/waste products or materials. In case the seller breaches, the buyer has the right to ask for indemnification including but not limited investigation fees, lawyer’s fees,compensation as well as all other fees according to the stipulations or Chinese laws.
Both parties will try to resolve any dispute concerning the contract amicably. If the dispute can not be resolved by negotiation, any party may initial legal action.
All appendixes to this contract should be bonded to the contract as a whole.
The contract includes two originals signed by the authorized signatories from each party on the following date, each party shall retain one fully signed originals and each copy has equal legal effect.
This agreement is written in one form of two versions in English and Chinese, if both versions of English and Chinese are found inconsistent, the Chinese version should be the basis to follow.
本合同為中英文版本書寫, 如合同條款有中英文本不一致之處則以中文為準.
Seller: Seller:
賣方: 買方:
Authorized representative: Authorized representative:
授權代表 授權代表
Signature: Signature:
簽名: 簽名:
Stamp: Stamp:
蓋章: 蓋章:
Date: Date:
日期: 日期:
英文合同 篇10
1.前言 Preamble
一份標準英文合同通常可以分為前言(Preamble)、正文(Operative part)、附錄(Schedule)及證明部分即結束詞(Attestation)四大部分組成。 前言(Preamble)由“Parties”及“Recitals”兩部分組成。
I. 以下為“Parties”的常用表達方式:
1. This Agreement is entered into by and between ____ and ____. 本協議由以下雙方____和___ 簽署。
2. This Agreement is entered into by and between ____ (hereinafter referred to as____) and ____ (hereinafter referred to as "_____"), whereby it is agreed as follows:
This Agreement is entered into through friendly negotiations between _____ Co.
(hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”) and _____ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the “Party B”) based on equal
ity and mutual benefit to develop business on the terms and conditions set forth below:
This Agreement is entered into between _____ (hereinafter referred to as "Company"), and ______, (hereinafter referred to as "Employee") pursuant to paragraph VIII(2) of the Employee Handbook, whereby it is agreed as follows:
II. 以下為標準的“Parties”條款:
3. This Agreement is made and entered into this _____th day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of _____, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), whereby it is agreed as follows:
III. “Recitals”由數個以"Whereas"字樣開頭的句子所組合而成(這些句子俗稱為“Whereas Clauses”),表示當事人乃是在基于對這些事實(例如訂約的目的、背景來由等)的共同認識,訂立此合約。
4. This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between _______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred
to as “_____”)
WHEREAS, NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
IV. 在很多美國常用合同中,在很多情況下直接用RECITALS引導數個陳述語句或“Whereas Clauses”。下面為一個資產購買協議實例:
This ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of May 19, 1997 by and among AAA, a Delaware corporation ("AAA"), BBB, a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of AAA ("Buyer"), CCC ("Summit"), and DDD, an Oregon corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Summit ("Seller").
A. The Boards of Directors of each of Summit, Seller, AAA and Buyer believe it is in the best interests of each company and their respective security holders that Buyer acquire certain listed assets and assume certain listed liabilities of Seller (the "Acquisition").
B. On the date hereof, Buyer has executed a $2,000,000 irrevocable purchase order to purchase 400 time-based licenses for Summit's Visual HDL interfaces for Visual Test bench ("VTB") software on AAA's standard form of purchase order, which is payable within five (5) business days after the date hereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, promises and representations set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:
2.定義 Definition
I. 常見的定義語句常用mean, refer to, be construed as, include等來表達。如:
1. "Territory" means the United States of America.“銷售地區”是指美利堅合眾國。
2. “Commencement date” shall mean the date of signing this agreement by the last signing party hereto.
3. The “agreement” herein referred to shall mean this agreement of agency by entrustment.
4. “Code” shall refer to the current and applicable Internal Revenue Code.
5. Reference to any statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to the same as it may have been, or may from time be, amended, modified or re-enacted.
6. "Expenses" include costs, charges and expenses of every description. “費用”包括各種形式的.金錢支出。
II. 還有一類特殊的定義語句,即對于「單、復數」及「陰、陽性」名詞的范圍定義。通常都是用include來表達:
1. "Stock Certificate" includes "stock certificate" and "stock certificates".
2. "He" includes "he" and "she".
3. Words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number.
III. 定義語句中,有時需限定范圍。而通常用得最多的是:“for the purpose of ”及“in relation to”某概念的定義條款,如果適用范圍僅限于合同的“特定部份”,可以用“for the purpose of ”來為定義條款起頭。而如果定義條款是針對合同的“特定概念”,就用“in relation to”來界定。如下例:
1. For the purpose of this Agreement, "Products" means all types of the machineries manufactured by Manufacturer as are specified in Attachment
A hereto.
2. "Address" means-
(a) 就自然人而言in relation to an individual, his usual residential or business address; and
(b) in relation to a corporation, its registered or principal office in the Republic of China.
IV. 在定義條款中,在定義語句前有時會加上一些陳述語句來引導,如: