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    時間:2022-08-18 19:34:56 工商管理畢業論文 我要投稿
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     摘 要

      并通過進一步的研究確定了顧客感知價值影響因素的模型。隨后借鑒已有的研究成果,通過訪談法、專家打分法、IPA 分析法等理論和方法,構建了顧客感知價值評價模型,最后通過對蘇寧易購顧客感知價值滿足情況做出客觀的總體評價,利用 IPA分析各個顧客感知價值的影響要素的具體評價,找出蘇寧易購不足的方面,并以此提出改進建議。

      關鍵詞:  新零售;顧客感知價值;蘇寧易購;顧客感知價值提升


      Customer perceived value is the motive to generate client trust and customersatisfaction. The premise is to form consumer loyalty and repeat purchase, and animportant source for enterprises to gain competitive advantage. With the advent of the newretail era, the research on customer perceived value by domestic and foreign scholars inthe past is no longer applicable to modern retail. This study attempts to build a new retailmode to make an objective evaluation of the customer perceived value model ofquantitative research and Suning.com as the object of empirical analysis of the researchmodel, on the one hand, hope that through this research to the lack of customer perceivedvalue for the present new retail to supplement the deficiency of the research, on the otherhand through the Suning.com customer perceived value analysis to put forwardsuggestions for the improvement of customer perceived value for the new retail enterprise.
      Through the mathematical analysis of the related literature on new retail mode,customer perceived value and customer perceived value measurement, this study putsforward the basic elements of customer perceived value in this paper: product, service,online and offline experience and perceived risk. Furthermore, the model of customerperceived value is established through further research. Then draw lessons from existingresearch results, through interviews and expert scoring method, the IPA analysis theoryand method, a variety of disciplines such as to establish the analysis model of customerperceived value evaluation, finally through the Suning.com and customer perceived valuemeet the evaluation of the overall situation, using the IPA analysis of each specificevaluation index factors of customer perceived value, points out the shortcomings ofSuning.com couple of aspects, and puts forward Suggestions for improvement.
      The main research results of this paper are: firstly, proposed the model of the factorsinfluencing customer perceived value in the new retail model; secondly, calculated theweight of each influencing factor of customer perceived value scientifically; thirdly, builta comprehensive evaluation model of customer perceived value based on the index weightof each factor influencing customer perceived value and the evaluation score of actualcustomer perceived value; fourthly, studied the customer perceived value of Suning.com,analyzed its problems in the process of realizing customer perceived value, and putforward corresponding countermeasures.
      This research extends previous studies on innovative retail and customer perceivedvalue. Analysis of Suning.com can also provide certain reference value for otherinnovative retail enterprises. This study has certain limitations and can be further studiedin the future.
      Keywords :  New retail; Customer perceived value; Suning.com; Increase in customerperceived value.
      目 錄
      摘 要.
      Abstract .
      目 錄
      第 1 章 緒 論

      1.1 研究背景和意義 .
      1.1.1 研究背景
      1.1.2 研究意義和目的
      1.2 研究內容 .
      1.3 研究方法和技術路線 .
      1.3.1 研究方法
      1.3.2 技術路線
      第 2 章 文獻綜述
      2.1 新零售文獻綜述 .
      2.2 顧客感知價值文獻綜述 .
      2.2.1 關于顧客感知價值概念的研究
      2.2.2 關于顧客感知價值影響要素的研究
      2.2.3 關于顧客感知價值評價方法的研究
      第 3 章 新零售顧客感知價值評價體系
      3.1 新零售顧客感知價值評價體系建立 .
      3.1.1 新零售顧客感知價值的層次模型
      3.1.2 新零售顧客感知價值的綜合評價
      3.1.3 新零售顧客感知價值影響要素的重要性一滿意度分析
      3.2 新零售顧客感知價值影響要素的層次結構 .
      3.2.1 新零售顧客感知價值影響要素的選擇
      3.2.2 新零售顧客感知價值影響要素的確定
      3.3 新零售顧客感知價值的評價函數 .
      第 4 章 蘇寧易購顧客感知價值評價
      4.1 顧客感知價值影響要素的權重計算及分析 .
      4.2 問卷設計與樣本采集 .
      4.2.1 問卷設計
      4.2.2 樣本采集
      4.3 問卷信度與效度分析 .
      4.3.1 問卷的信度分析
      4.3.2 問卷的效度分析
      4.4 問卷基本信息統計 .
      4.4.1 對蘇寧易購顧客樣本個人基本信息的統計分析
      4.4.2 顧客感知價值影響要素實際評價均值的計算及分析
      4.5 應用顧客感知價值評價體系對蘇寧易購進行分析 .
      4.5.1 蘇寧易購顧客感知價值綜合評價
      4.5.2 蘇寧易購顧客感知價值影響要素的重要性-滿意度分析.
      第 5 章 蘇寧易購顧客感知價值提升建議.
      5.1 優化供應鏈管理 提高產品性價比
      5.2 完善服務體系 提升服務效率 .
      5.3 加強大數據應用 提升顧客感知價值 .
      5.4 保障支付安全 降低顧客感知風險 .
      結 論












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