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    Page maintained by Tim Rowley with lots of help from Naty Hoffman. If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.


    Note that when possible I link to the page containing the link to the actual PDF or PS of the preprint. I prefer this as it gives some context to the paper and avoids possible copyright problems with direct linking. Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actual document.


    ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

    Natural Animation

    Visual Simulation of Smoke
    Ronald Fedkiw, Henrik Wann Jensen (Stanford University), Jos Stam (Alias|Wavefront)
    Practical Animations of Liquids
    Nick Foster (PDI/DreamWorks), Ronald Fedkiw (Stanford University)
    Dynamic Real-Time Deformations Using Space and Time Adaptive Sampling
    Gilles Debunne, Marie-Paule Cani (IMAGIS-GRAVIR), Mathieu Desbrun (University of Southern California), Alan H. Barr (California Institute of Technology)
    Optimization-Based Animation
    Victor J. Milenkovic, Harald Schmidl (University of Miami)

    Volumetric and Graphing Techniques

    Kizamu: A System for Sculpting Digital Characters
    Ron Perry, Sarah Frisken (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory)
    Feature Sensitive Surface Extraction From Volume Data
    Leif Kobbelt, Mario Botsch (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen), Ulrich Schwanecke, Hans-Peter Seidel (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
    Reconstruction and Representation of 3D Objects With Radial Basis Functions
    Jonathan C. Carr, Tim J. Mitchell, (Applied Research Associates NZ Limited and University of Canterbury), Richard K. Beatson (University of Canterbury), Jon B. Cherrie, W. Richard Fright, Bruce C. McCallum, Tim R. Evans (Applied Research Associates NZ Limited)
    Reliable Graphing Methods for Two-Dimensional Implicit Relations
    Jeff Tupper (University of Toronto)

    Reality-Based Modeling

    Scanning Physical Interaction Behavior of 3D Objects
    Dinesh K. Pai, Kees van Den Doel, Doug L. James, Jochen Lang, John E. Lloyd, Joshua L. Richmond, Som H. Yau (University of British Columbia)
    Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions for Real-World Surfaces
    Xingou Liu, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research), Yizhou Yu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    Image-Based Rendering of Diffuse, Specular and Glossy Surfaces From a Single Image (tech report)
    Samuel Boivin, André Gagalowicz (INRIA Rocquencourt)
    A Signal-Processing Framework for Inverse Rendering
    Ravi Ramamoorthi, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)

    Hardware and Hardware Rendering

    WireGL: A Scalable Graphics System for Clusters (project page)
    Greg Humphreys, Matthew Eldridge, Ian Buck, Matthew Everett, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University), Gordon Stoll (Intel Corporation)
    Lightning-2: A High-Performance Display Subsystem for PC Clusters
    Gordon Stoll, Dan Patterson, Art Webb, Chris Caywood, Milton Taveira, Steve Hunt (Intel Corporation), Matthew Eldridge, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University), Steven Berman, Richard Levy (Cornell University)
    A User-Programmable Vertex Engine
    Erik Lindholm, Mark Kilgard, Henry Moreton (NVIDIA Corp.)
    A Real-Time Procedural Shading System for Programmable Graphics Hardware
    Kekoa Proudfoot, William R. Mark, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University), Svetoslav Tzvetkov (NVIDIA Corp.)
    Homomorphic Factorization of BRDFs for High-performance Rendering
    Michael D. McCool, Jason Ang, Anis Ahmad (University of Waterloo)


    Consistent Mesh Parameterizations
    Emil Praun (Princeton University), Wim Sweldens (Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs), Peter Schröder (California Institute of Technology)
    Approximate Boolean Operations on Free-Form Solids
    Daniel Kristjansson, Henning Biermann, Denis Zorin (New York University)
    Progressive Compression for Lossless Transmisison of Triangle Meshes
    Pierre Alliez, Mathieu Desbrun (University of Southern California)
    Topology Matching for Fully Automatic Similarity Estimation of 3D Shapes
    Masaki Hilaga, Yoshihisa Shinagawa (University of Tokyo), Taku Kohmura, (RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)), Toshiyasu L. Kunii (Hosei University)

    Measurement and Presentation

    Measuring and Predicting Visual Fidelity
    Benjamin Watson (Northwestern University), Alinda Friedman, Aaron McGaffey (University of Alberta)
    Perception-Guided Global Illumination Solution for Animation Rendering
    Karol Myszkowski, Takehiro Tawara, Hiroyuki Akamine, Hans-Peter Seidel (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
    Interactive Stereoscopic Display for Three or More Users (project page)
    Yoshifumi Kitamura, Sumihiko Yamamoto, Fumio Kishino (Osaka University), Takashige Konishi (Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.)
    Rendering Effective Route Maps: Improving Usability Through Generalization
    Maneesh Agrawala, Chris Stolte (Stanford University)

    Animation and Expression

    Composable Controller for Physics-Based Character Animation
    Petros Faloutsos, Michiel van de Panne (University of Toronto), Demetri Terzopoulos (New York University and University of Toronto)
    Automating Gait Animation
    Harold C. Sun, Dimitris Metaxas (University of Pennsylvania)
    Expressive Expression Mapping With Ratio Images
    Zicheng Liu, Ying Shan, Zhengyou Zhang (Microsoft Research)
    Expression Cloning
    Jun-yong Noh, Ulrich Neumann (University of Southern California)

    Procedural Modeling

    The Use of Positional Information in the Modeling of Plants
    Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Lars Muendermann, Radoslaw Karwowski, Brendan Lane (University of Calgary)
    Procedural Modeling of Cities
    Yoav Parish, Pascal Mueller (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)
    Feature-Based Cellular Texturing for Architectural Models
    Justin Legakis, Julie Dorsey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Steven Gortler (Harvard University)
    Integrating Shape and Pattern in Mammalian Models
    Marcelo Walter (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), Alain Fournier (University of British Columbia), Daniel Menevaux (Laboratoire SIC)

    Images and Textures

    Image Analogies (project page)
    Aaron Hertzmann (New York University and Microsoft Research), Charles E. Jacobs, Nuria Oliver (Microsoft Research), Brian Curless (University of Washington), David H. Salesin (University of Washington and Microsoft Research)
    Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer
    Alexei A. Efros (University of California, Berkeley), William T. Freeman (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory)
    Texture Synthesis on Surfaces
    Greg Turk (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    Texture Synthesis Over Arbitrary Manifold Surfaces
    Li-Yi Wei, Marc Levoy (Stanford University)

    Point-Based Rendering and Shadows

    The Randomized Z-Buffer Algorithm: Interactive Rendering of Highly Complex Scenes
    Michael Wand, Ingmar Peter, Wolfgang Straber (Universität Tübingen), Matthias Fischer, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide (Universität Paderborn)
    Surface Splatting
    Matthias Zwicker, Markus Gross (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), Hanspeter Pfister, Jeroen van Baar (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory)
    Spectral Processing of Point-Sampled Geometry
    Marck Pauly, Markus Gross (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)
    Adaptive Shadow Maps
    Randima Fernando, Sebastian Fernandez, Kavita Bala, Donald P. Greenberg (Cornell University)

    Illumination and Textures

    Photo-Realistic Rendering of Knitwear Using the Lumislice
    Ying-Qing Xu, Yanyun Chen, Steve Lin, Hua Zhong, Enhua Wu, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research China)
    A Physically-Based Nightsky Model
    Henrik Wann Jensen (Stanford University), Michael Stark, Simon Premoze, Peter Shirley (University of Utah), Frédo Durand, Julie Dorsey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    Texture Mapping Progessive Meshes
    Pedro V. Sander, Steven J. Gortler (Harvard University), John Snyder, Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft Research)
    Constrained Texture Mapping for Polygonal Meshes
    Bruno Levy (INRIA Loria)

    Image-Based Modeling and Rendering

    Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
    Chris Buehler, Michael Bosse, Leonard McMillan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Steven J. Gortler (Harvard University), Michael F. Cohen (Microsoft Research)
    An Image-Based Modeling and Photo-Editing System
    Byong Mok Oh, Max Chen, Julie Dorsey, Frédo Durand, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    Plenoptic Stitching: A Scalable Method for Reconstructing 3D Interactive Walkthroughs
    Daniel G. Aliaga, Ingrid Carlbom (Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs)
    Hybrid Stereo Camera: An IBR Approach for Synthesis of Very-High-Resolution Stereoscopic Image Sequences
    Harpreet S. Sawhney, Yanlin Guo, Keith Hanna, Rakesh Kumar (Sarnoff Corporation), Sean Adkins, Samuel Zhou (IMAX Corporation)

    Hands and Words

    DAB: Interactive Haptic Painting With 3D Virtual Brushes
    William Baxter, Vincent Scheib, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
    Project FEELEX: Adding Haptic Surface to Graphics
    Hiroo Iwata, Hiroaki Yano, Fumitaka Nakaizumi, Ryo Kawamura (University of Tsukuba)
    BEAT: The Behavior Expression Animation Toolkit
    Justine Cassell, Hannes Vilhjalmsson, Tim Bickmore (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    Wordseye: A Text-to-Scene Conversion System
    Bob Coyne, Richard Sproat (AT&T Labs)

    The Interaction of Light and Matter

    An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps
    Ravi Ramamoorthi, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)
    Applying Appearance Standards to Light Reflection Models
    Harold B. Westlund, Gary W. Meyer (University of Oregon)
    A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport
    Henrik Wann Jensen, Steve Marschner, Marc Levoy, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)
    Polynomial Texture Maps
    Tom Malzender, Dan Gelb, Hans Wolters (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)

    Sound Simulation and Animation

    Synthesizing Sounds From Physically Based Motion
    James F. O'Brien (University of California, Berkeley), Perry R. Cook, Georg Essl (Princeton University)
    FoleyAutomatic: Physically-Based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation
    Kees van Den Doel, Paul G. Kry, Dinesh K. Pai (University of British Columbia)
    Modeling Acoustics in Virtual Environments Using the Uniform Theory of Diffraction
    Nicolas Tsingos, Ingrid Carlbom (Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs)
    An Immersive, Multi-User, Musical Stage Environment
    Matt Reynolds, Bernd Schoner, Joey Richards, Kelly Dobson, Neil Gershenfeld (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

    Images and Image-Based Techniques

    Image-Based Motion Blur for Stop Motion Animation
    Gabriel Brostow, Ifran Essa (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    A Simple and Efficient Error-Diffusion Algorithm
    Victor Ostromoukhov (Université de Montréal)
    Simulating Decorative Mosaics
    Alejo Hausner (University of Toronto)
    Real-Time Hatching
    Emil Praun, Matthew Webb, Adam Finkelstein (Princeton University), Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft Research)











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