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    時間:2022-08-12 06:38:56 個性簽名 我要投稿
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      1、Time won't ease your pain but let you get used to it.時間不是讓人忘了痛,而是讓人習慣了痛。

      2、Cosmic dust. Continue its stray. But there is warm cooperation.宇宙塵埃。繼續它的流浪。卻有溫暖相隨。

      3、Don't fear you forsake,  just afraid of losing you.不是怕你丟棄,只是怕失去你

      4、Exactly still to shallow  man even pat looked at all become ground sterility.到底還是要淺薄如斯,哪怕不忍看著一切變成班駁的荒蕪。

      5、A successful end distance our distant  with the speed of light is calculated.成功的彼岸距離我們的遙遠,是用光速計算的。

      6、Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love。幸福是孤寂的靈魂遭遇愛的邂逅。

      7、You are my heart sunshine  can only look  a touch will burns.你是我心里的陽光,只能仰望,一碰就會被灼傷。

      8、Think of you every day,  your company,  happiness is so natural想你的每一天,都有你陪伴,幸福是那么的自然 。

      9、There's always that one song that brings back old memories。總有那么一首歌,讓你陷入深深的回憶。

      10、Don’t be easy to get,  or you’ll be easy to forget.不要輕易讓人得到你,不然你會很容易被忘記。

      11、Sorrow is hard enough,  let alone hide sadness.悲傷已經夠難受了, 更何況是隱藏悲傷。

      12、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours你完整了我的人生,但我卻只是你人生中的一章節。

      13、I needn't a photo to remember you .Because you never leave in my hear .我不需要一張照片把你記起,因為在我心里你從未曾離去。

      14、Keep me in your memory,  leave out all the rest.把我放進你的記憶里,不要管其他的。

      15、I don't want to be the first one. I want to be the only one.我不想做第一個,我只想做唯一。

      16、just don't want to lose my smile left with pride沒心沒肺地笑 只是不想輸掉僅剩下的驕傲

      17、I reversed the entire world,  only put your reflection right.我顛倒了整個世界,只為擺正你的倒影。

      18、If you know who I was,  maybe you would forgive who I am.你如果認識從前的我,也許你會原諒現在的我。

      19、Love,  living things,  is you let me know!愛情,扯淡的東西,是你讓我懂得!

      20、Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories.消失的是記憶。而留下的才是刻骨銘心的回憶。

      21、coming days would be long. After all do not grow,  grey-haired.來日方長、終究長不到白發蒼蒼。

      22、Promise more,  not to be,  that is just a lie.承諾再多,做不到,(m.baimashangsha.com)那也只不過還是謊言。

      23、How I wish,  there is one person spelled a life love me我多么希望 , 有那么一個人拼了命的愛我

      24、Time will abandon those funny oath,  until we also agree.時間會摒棄那些滑稽的誓言,直至我們也茍同。

      25、Unfortunately  not life journey is not old then is left without saying good-bye.遺憾的生命旅途、不是老去,不是無疾而終,是不告而別。

      26、Don‘t cry because it is over,  smile because it happened.不要因為結束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經擁有。

      27、Remember that if you get through yesterday,  you'll get through today昨天若是都過去了,那還有什么過不去的明天。

      28、The only way to meet the right one is to be what you really are.用最真實的自己,才能遇見最應該的那個人。

      29、Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.永遠好遠,但若有你相伴,我愿和你共度此生。

      30、The most qmainful distance,  you are not with me but in my heart.最痛的距離,是你不在我身邊卻在我心里。

      31、In addition to you,  and who is eligible walked around in my heart除了你,還有誰有資格在我心里走來走去

      32、Don't fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you.不是怕你丟棄,只是怕失去你

      33、Time is not cruelty. Just for it we are too fragile.時光并不殘忍。只是對于它來說我們太脆弱。

      34、If you want to understand today ,  you have to search yesterday .想要懂得今天,就必須研究昨天。

      35、I can give up anything in the world except you.我什么都可以失去,但不想失去你

      36、If you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday .想要懂得今天,就必須研究昨天。

      37、Time is a great thing,  can let fate displaced within Iraq.時間真是個偉大的東西啊,可以讓命運顛沛流離。

      38、How to be happy: stop comparing yourself to others.如何才能更快樂:不要再拿自己與別人比較。

      39、Love is sort of encounter.It can be neither waited nor prepared.愛是一種遇見,不能等待,也不能準備

      40、It's not about what you say, its about what you do.關鍵不是你說什么,而是你做什么。說得再好,沒有行動又怎樣。

      41、Eyes are raining for her, heart is holding umbrella for her, this is love眼睛為她下著雨,心卻為她打著傘,這就是愛情。

      42、If one knows what he lives for,he can bear all kinds of life.一個人知道為什么而活,就可以忍受任何種生活。

      43、A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out真正的朋友會在整個世界都離你遠去的時候,仍然與你并肩。

      44、Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving生活,就像騎單車。要保持平衡,就得不斷往前走。

      45、Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.遇見你是命運的安排而愛上你是我情不自禁

      46、Paper plane fly farther take away my heart紙飛機飛的再遠帶不走我的心情

      47、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.如果沒有相等的愛,那就讓我愛多一些吧。

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