- 相關推薦
1. 知識目標:幫助學生掌握三會、四會單詞,如:set, pleasant, iceberg, sink, join and lose; 同時讓學生掌握故事發生的時間、地點、人物,事件發生的起因、高潮與結果。
2. 能力目標:訓練學生掌握良好的閱讀習慣和閱讀方法,即跳讀、略讀、速讀和現時閱讀等,同時注意開發學生記憶能力、觀察能力、想象、比較和分析等多種能力。
3. 德育目標:滲透在日常生活中樂于助人、舍己為人的思想品質。
課堂的整體設計我遵循整體教學的思路,運用情景教學法和交際法,分五個主要步驟進行,即:導入, 展示, 鞏固操練, 5分鐘檢測和布置作業。
第一, 導入(pre-reading):(2’--3’)
一直以來,對于學生來說,最困難問題之一是背了單詞就忘,即使記住單詞,又存在不會應用的現象。形成這種現象的主要原因在于缺少運用語言的環境與場景。為此,如何讓學生輕松自覺地回憶、掌握和運用單詞呢?于是我想到了多媒體技術。導入部分我設計了3個與教學內容相關的電影片段,在這邊大家可以看到,通過投影儀上的生動畫面,使學生回憶起當時的情景,并激發他們用盡可能多的詞匯來描述事件發生的過程。學生通過迅速聯想和回憶,會編出若干個短句,如:"There were many people on board. Titanic hit the icebergs. Everyone tried to save their lives.
The man was too bad.等",從而達到新課標要求下的知識目標一部分。我會用2—3分鐘時間。
第二, 展示(while-reading):(15’)
1. 掃讀 (skimming):
這一過程是讓學生快速瀏覽全文,抓住文章主要內容,同時將為學生獲取某種特定信息而閱讀,只要求學生從材料中找到特定信息,領會主旨,可忽略大部分內容。此處我根據加方校長Maggie編寫的英語教師手冊中故事曲線圖(story graph)來設計的。大家可以看到此處包括背景(即時間、地點與人物),高潮和結局。讓學生帶著這些問題去閱讀,認真思考,之后通過提問的方式找出正確答案。從而體現出新課標要求下的對學生進行先思考后提問的學法指導。
2. 細讀 (scanning):
首先由四人一組,分組討論,給文章分段并歸納出段落大意,找出topic sentences.這樣以來不僅體現了學生之間合作與探索意識,同時又有助于培養學生分析歸納能力與合作解決問題能力。
第三, 鞏固操練(post-reading)(15’)
a) 設置了競賽----得蘋果,分兩組進行,是對動詞過去式的理解和應用,讓一組同學把另一組同學的句子在規定時間內,用過去式的形式正確表達出來,兩組輪流轉換。通過這一形式,調動學生積極性,激勵學生主動思考與分析。從而化難為易,讓學生進行歸納總結,如若不完整,老師再補充。
b) 設置了采訪內容。同樣,當今英語教學過程已不僅是知識傳授,應付考試過程,同時也是滲透思想、文化教育的過程。我采取兩位學生相互采訪的形式,一位是CCTV—9記者,一位是當時獲救的文章主人公Miss Evans, 就其學生之間語言的交流與應用可以進一步了解他們的世界觀與人生觀。
第四, 5分鐘檢測:(5’)
第五, 布置作業:(2’)
Unit 1 Will people have robots ?
Teaching goals:
1. Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .
2. will 構成的一般將來時態的陳述句、否定句、疑問句及回答。
3. There be 句型的一般將來時。 4. more , less , fewer 的用法。
5. 學習一般將來時態的相關知識,學會對未來進行猜測。
6. 對five years ago ,today ,in five years 簡潔回顧與展望的方式,貼近實際符合學生心理,激發學習愛好。
7. 通過時間對比復習一般過去時態、一般現在時態,鞏固一般將來時。
Important and difficult points :
1. will構成一般將來時態的句式。
2. There be 句型的一般將來時態。3. more , fewer , less 的用法。4. How to make predictions .
Period 1
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Leading in
1. Greetings: Welcome to school .
What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?
Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?
Do you finish your homework ?
Do you want to live on the moon ?
Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?
Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .
Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 2 ,1a .
1. Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .
2. Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .
3. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .
4. Do it by themselves .5. Talk about the answers with the class .
Explain :一般將來時態
構成: will / be going to 動詞原形
Step 3 While-task
SB Page 2 ,1b .
1. Practise reading the six predictions .
2. Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .
3. Play the tape twice .4. Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .
SB Page 2 , 1c .
1. Pay attention to the dialogues .2. Read the dialogues fluently .
3. Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .
4. Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .
SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .
1. Read the predictions .2. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .
3. Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .
4. Check the answers .
學生探究: less , fewer 的區別。
Step 4 Post-task
1. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .
2. Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .
Grammar Focus:
1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .
2. Make summaries about "will" ,"fewer" and "less" .
1. Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .2. Go over the new words .
Period 2
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in
1. Greetings and free talk .
2. Check their homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教師作出適當的評價)
Step 2 Pre-task
1. Go over what we learnt yesterday .
2. 通過三種時間的對比簡略復習一般過去時與一般現在時。
Step 3 While-task SB Page 4 , 3a .
1. Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .
2. Read the instructions . 3. Complete filling in the blanks individually .
4. Check the answers . 5. Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .
SB Page 4 , 3b .
1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .
2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class .
3. Practise reading .4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .
Step 4 Post-task
1. Write about yourself .
With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years .
2. Complete the work individually . 3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .
Homework : Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .
Period 3
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in
1. Greetings . 2. Say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five years .3. Check the homework.
Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 5 , 1a .
1. Look at the form and read the headings to the class .Make sure the Ss know what they mean .
2. Read the list of seven words .Explain the new words .
3. Write each word in the correct column .Check the answers.
SB Page 5 , 1b .
1. Read the words already written on the chart .
2. Groupwork: Think about what we learned before .Write some words in the chart above .Divide the class into
groups of four ,let them have a competition .
Step 3 While-task SB Page 5 , 2a .
1. Look at the pictures carefully .Can you guess what we’ll listen ?Talk about them .
2. Read the instructions .We’ll listen to 3 conversations .Number the pictures 1-3 .
3. Play the tape twice .Check the answers .
SB Page 5 , 2b .
This activity is easy ,I think .For we know the conversations are talking about Alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 years . 1. Read the instructions .2. Pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box .
3. Play the tape and correct the answers .
Step 4 Post-task
1. Read the instructions .2. Pairwork. One is Alexis, one is Joe .
3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Read it to the Ss .
4. Talk about Joe’s life now , ten years ago and in ten years .5. Ask some pairs of Ss to say their dialogues .
1. Go over the words .2. 寫一篇50個單詞左右的小短文,猜測與展望未來我們的學習和生活。
Period 4
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Leading in
1. Greetings . 2. Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe . 3. Check their homework .
Step 2 While-task SB Page 6 , 3a .
1. Read the instructions . 2. Give Ss 3 minutes to read the passage , tick out the new words.
3. Explain the new words and practice reading . 4. Point out the chart .Read the column headings to the class .
5. Read the passage again .Write words from her answers in the correct columns below . 6. Check the answers .
7. Practise reading .SB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game :Who write it ?
1. Ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper .
2. Put all the Ss’ papers together . 3. Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss guess who wrote it .
Step 3 Post-task SB Page 6 , Part 4 .
1. Read the questions below . 2. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue .3. Answer the questions .
4. Pairwork. Get your partner’s answers .5. Share a few Ss’ conversations .
Homework: 1. Finish selfcheck as their homework .2. Go over the words in this unit .
Period 5
Teaching contents: Reading :Do you think you will have your own robot ?
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free talk .
2. If possible,draw a robot on the Bb or put up a picture of a robot. Tell :What does it look like ? What can it do ?
3. Tell your partner what you know about robots .
Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 8 , 1b . 1. Read the title of the passage .
2. Look at the picture together .Ask a few Ss to describe What they see .
3. Read the words and phrases in the box .Practice reading the words .
4. Circle the words you think you will read in the passage .
Step 3 While-task SB Page 8 .
1. First let Ss scan the passage for the main idea .
2. Explain something . help sb with sth /do sth do the same as … make sb do sth It takes /took /will take …
3. Ask a few comprehension questions around the class . 4. Read the passage by the Ss .
Step 4 Post-task
1. Go through the reading again .How many words in 1b did you correctly predict ?
2. Go over the structures in SB Page 9 , 3b .Make their own sentences .
Homework:1. To make sure the Ss understand the passage .and I want to know whether they’re careful in the class ,let Ss translate the passage into Chinese . 2. Go over this unit .3. Make their own sentences .
4. What ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the future .Write your ideas .
教材分析:本單元以"How often do you exercise ?"為話題展開教學活動。首先學會恰當地使用頻率副詞及短語,再學會描述課余時間的活動安排和基本飲食結構。通過復習七年級學習過的動詞短語,及本單元的聽力練習,各種方式的口語交際活動和寫作練習,使學生積極參與,合作,從而培養學生的綜合語言運用能力。教材在本單元的開篇,即本課時,安排了關于談論課余時間的各項活動,以及初步認識和使用頻率副詞,為進一步地使用頻率副詞及動詞短語做語言知識上的準備。
A:語言目標:恰當使用always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 等頻率副詞和日常活動短語:watch TV go shopping read books exercise等。
掌握句型: What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.
What does she do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies.
教學重點:核心句型: What do you usually do on weekends?
I often go to the movies.
教學用具:詞匯卡片 多媒體課件一套
Step1 Warm-up activities
(1) Do it (學生按教師的指令做動作)
T:Read books. / Do homework!/ Draw pictures/ Look at the blackboard
T: run / stop / stand up / sit down.
(2) Do as I do.(學生跟老師邊說邊做動作)
I read books on weekends.
I run on weekends.
I do my homework on weekends.
Step 2 Revision and presentation
(1)教師問:"What do you usually do on weekends ? " (并且板書)讓學生根據自己的實際回答 I usually …… on weekends.
(2)教師出示動詞卡片 watch TV、read books 、exercise 、clean、skateboard、 play basketball、wash clothes、go shopping、 go to movies讓學生認讀。
(3)做游戲:" What’s missing?" (學生先把動詞卡片全部讀一遍,教師從卡片中任意抽掉一張,再讓學生看卡片讀動詞短語,然后讓學生說出抽掉的是哪一張詞匯卡片。)
Step 3 Pattern drill and dialogue
(1)出示詞匯卡片給學生,并提問:"What do you usually do on weekends?" 引導學生回答: I usually …… on weekends.
(2)Task one "Find my group members."
在規定 時間內填完活動表格,再向周圍同學開始詢問,找出與自己課外活動大致相同的同學請他或她在每項活動后面簽名。
(3)Look at the picture on the book ,name each activity .Then ask students to point to each picture , ask and answer in pairs . "What ’s the boy/girl doing ? " "He/She is reading ." Check the answers on the blackboard and ask students to correct their own activities.(1a )
Step 4 Presentation and drill
(1)教師指著屏幕說:" Now let’s see my activities on weekends. 屏幕上出現各項活動的圖片并介紹。 I always read books at 6:00 in the morning. Then I usually run at 6:30. I often clean my house in the afternoon. Sometimes I watch TV, but I never watch TV too much. I hardly ever go to the movies.
always(100%) usually(80%) often (30-50%)
sometimes(20%) hardly ever(5%) never(0%)
教師依次提問: What do you do on weekends?
引導學生用圖片中的活動及副詞回答,如:I usually run.
(4)Task Two: Making cards
每個學生把自己的課外活動做成卡片,再把頻率副詞做成卡片,然后一個學生問What do you do on weekends? 另一個學生分別拿一張活動卡片和頻率卡片并用其進行回答。
Step 5 Practice and drill
(1)Play the recording the first time .Students only listen . Play the recording a second time . Point to the pictures . This time say , Listen to the conversation and write the letter of one activity (a through e )after the word in the list .(1b)
(2) 屏幕上出現一張一個女孩讀書的圖片,教師提問:
What does she do on weekends?
再點擊圖片出現副詞often 引導學生回答 She often reads books.
(3) 點擊屏幕出現 A:What do you do on weekends?
B: I often read books.
C: What does she do ?
D: She often reads books/
(4) 點擊圖片出現活動圖片,四人小組練習對話。
(5) Task three: Do a survey "What does she /he do on weekends ?"
How often
Step 6 Homework
(1) Make a conversation "What do you usually do after school ?" in groups.
(2) Collect some information about your favorite teacher with your partners ,such as his or her personality , hobby , eating habit and so on . Then introduce this teacher to us .
Unit 1. How often do you exercise ? 1a-----1c
A:What do you usually do on weekends?
B:I often go to the movies.
教學策略:根據本課時的特點,我安排了六個環節,第一個環節讓學生按老師的指令做動作來調整學生的精神狀態,同時又復習了一些動詞,為新課做知識上的準備;在第二個環節中,通過復習舊句型"What do you usually do on weekends ? ",引出了七年級曾學過的頻率副詞usually和一些動詞短語,減輕學生學習新課的難度;第三環節,通過完成課本Activity 1a和Task 1來加強說和寫的能力的培養;第四環節出現了本課時的重點,因為句型已掌握熟練,這些重點內容——新頻率副詞的使用,也迎刃而解,再通過Task Two: Making cards這一有趣的活動來加深理解;第五環節,是我在教學中的擴展和延伸,在完成課本Activity 1b和Task3的過程中,把學生們學習一般現在時態的難點,用對比的方式清楚地呈現給學生,使學生充分感知和理解,使學生在交際中對語言的認識得到升華。在第六環節中,我安排了編對話活動來加強聽說能力的培養,第二題是一個開放性的作業,在鍛煉學生的綜合語言運用能力的同時,又讓他們學會合作與交流。在本課的整個教學過程中,教學重點內容(1c)貫穿始終,這是在教學實際中對教材的調整,由于本課教材沒有涉及到一般現在時態的單三形式,而它又是中學生學習英語易疏忽的問題,所以我在本課做了補充。