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    時間:2024-10-26 07:15:58 英文簡歷 我要投稿


      時光飛逝,時間在慢慢推演,新一輪的招聘又在朝我們招手,這時候需要開始寫簡歷了哦。但是怎么寫才更能吸引眼球呢?以下是小編精心整理的英文簡歷自我評價 ,希望對大家有所幫助。


    英文簡歷自我評價 1

      I am cheerful, energetic, warm, honest, serious and responsible work, initiative, hard working. The courage to withstand the pressure and innovation. Strong organizational skills team spirit drink. It has a strong ability to adapt, disciplined, actively cooperate with the work of the network abroad, strong-willed.

      Although I am a graduate, but I am young, energetic, have the ability to complete the work. Although I still lack some experience, but I will use the time to make up and sweat. Please rest assured that the leadership, I will guarantee the quality of the completion of various tasks.

    英文簡歷自我評價 2











    英文簡歷自我評價 3

    1.   Mature,dynamicandhonest.思想成熟、精明能干、為人誠實。

    2.   Excellentabilityofsystematicalmanagement.有極強的系統管理能力。

    3.   Abilitytoworkindependent1y,matureandresourcefu1.能夠獨立工作、思想成熟、應變能力強。

    4.   Apersonwithabilityplusflexibilityshouldapp1y.需要有能力及適應力強的人。

    5.   Astablepersonalityandhighsenseofresponsibilityaredesirable.個性穩重、具高度責任感。

    6.   Workwellwithamulti-culturalanddiverseworkforce.能夠在不同文化和工作人員的背景下出色地工作。

    7.   Bright,aggressiveapplicants.反應快、有進取心的應聘者。

    8.   Ambitiousattitudeessential.有雄心壯志。

    9.   Initiative,independentandgoodcommunicationskill.積極主動、獨立工作能力強,并有良好的`交際技能。

    10.   Willingtoworkunderpressurewithleardershipquality.愿意在壓力下工作,并具領導素質。

    11.   Willingtoassumeresponsibilities.應聘者須勇于挑重擔。

    12.   Mature,self-motivatedandstronginterpersonalskills.思想成熟、上進心強,并具極豐富的人際關系技巧。

    13.   Energetic,fashion-mindedperson.精力旺盛、

    14.   Withapleasantmatureattitude.開朗成熟。

    15.   Strongdeterminationtosucceed.有獲得成功的堅定決心。

    16.   Strongleadershipskills.有極強的領導藝術。

    17.   Abilitytoworkwellwithothers.能夠同他人一道很好地工作。

    18.   Highly-motivatedandreliablepersonwithexcellenthealthandpleasantpersonality.上進心強又可靠者,并且身體健康、性格開朗。

    19.   Theabilitytoinitiateandoperateindependently.有創業能力,并能獨立地從業。

    20.   Strongleadershipskillwhilepossessingagreatteamspirit.有很高的領導藝術和很強的集體精神。

    21.   Behighlyorganizedandeffecient.工作很有條理,辦事效率高。

    22.   Willingtolearnandprogress.肯學習進取。

    23.   Goodpresentationskills.有良好的表達能力。

    24.   Positiveactivemindessential.有積極、靈活的頭腦。

    25.   Abilitytodealwithpersonnelatalllevelseffectively。善于同各種人員打交道。

    英文簡歷自我評價 4

      I am optimistic and cheerful, strict self-discipline, treat people with sincerity, can be hard-working, active work. Familiar with vb and c ++ language; master sqlserver to carry out various operations on the information, such as query the student information table; understand sql database application technology and dreamweaver web production. Easy to integrate into the collective culture, with others to establish a good relationship. A team spirit, sense of innovation, aggressive, responsible for the work, can adapt to high-intensity work.

      I have been working in software testing and quality assurance for many years. I have many years of experience in technical and management positions. I have a clear understanding of the software development process and I have learned through my own continuous mulated a wealth of technical and management experience. strong ability to learn, hardworking persistent toughness, can endure hardship, thoughtful, assertive, serious and responsible work and beginning and end, frank, open-minded, good communication with people, a good team spirit.

    英文簡歷自我評價 5

      After three years of college life, I have accumulated sufficient cultural knowledge, social practice has improved, let me have a qualitative leap psychologically. I follow the school rules discipline, respect teachers, unite students, requires political progress ; clear learning objectives, attitude, study expertise. Learning hard work, with outstanding results; Banwei serious and responsible, caring students love the collective.

      And dedicated, honest and trustworthy, enthusiastic others, the courage to challenge themselves. Financial accounting is a practical strong operational discipline, is about to become a finance officer, I am very eager to learn rare opportunity, has been multi-skill, comprehensive development of strict demands on themselves, by trying to learn three years, to make their own whether in thought or in other aspects of learning have made a qualitative leap.

      Social activists, have good communication skills, organizational skills and have some thinking. In the community, has always been able to collective interests at heart, there is a strong collective sense of honor, the first after the collective individual, I was loyal to the company's philosophy.

      Enjoy meeting people interested, who love all kinds of sports activities, and often participate in recreational activities, won several honors in the national provincial competition. Loyal computer enthusiasts, like hanging around on the Internet, sharing and learning, read news, blog and publish posts like.

      In the next wave of modern socialist market economy, as the century of the students, in order to better meet the needs of the community, I have a good school curriculum under the premise of full use of spare time, read a lot of reading materials to broaden their knowledge. This will wave goodbye to the school, I will be full of enthusiasm and firm confidence, to better integrate the learning into work.

    英文簡歷自我評價 6

      自我評價是緊緊圍繞著所應聘的職位展開,向招聘人員展示你與該職位非常匹配,您的技能和資質與所應聘的職位相符,是該職位的不二人選。 自我評價部分也可以叫做“個人綜述”、“能力綜述”或者“簡歷概述”等,可以包括求職意向、職業目標、能力特長、豐富經驗、取得成就、資質證書等內容。

      寫自我評價的原則 真實。求職者書寫“自我評價”時,千萬不要有虛假成分,夸大自己的能力、優點或工作經驗等。 不卑不亢,要說明問題,不要滿天喊口號,連自己都不相信的評價估計對方更不會相信。 不要主觀羅列自己的優點,仔細閱讀招聘方的'廣告后,根據用人要求一條一條對應來寫,要有針對性;文字平實可信不夸張,避免“熟悉互聯網及相關知識”、“精通英語”之類詞句。 突出閃光點。如果沒有重點,或者過于大眾化,那么很難讓自己出挑。hr在擇才時希望看到你是否有閃光之處,與所應聘的職位有無聯系。因此,建議求職者仔細羅列自己的工作經歷,回憶自己在以前的工作中到底積累了什么樣的優勢,挖掘出自己與眾不同之處,以突出自我的優勢,最好輔以具體事例證明,否則不可信。 不要提到你的業余愛好、抱負、對公司的感想等,語言簡練。


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