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教師從學生實際和教學要求出發,在講授新課前對學生作適當的引導,向學生介紹一下有關背景知識并提出教學要求,掃清學習新知識的障礙,為學習新課提供豐富的感性材料。如在進行八年級上冊Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C教學之前,先問如下幾個問題:
1.Do you like reading stories ?
2.Which kind of story do you like best ?
A.Snow White B.the Little Match Girl
C.Black Cat Sir D.Ma Liang and His Magic Brush
3. Let’s enjoy a story.
例如,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C一課的學習目標和自學任務為:
(一)Read 1a on page75,then answer the following questions.
1.When did the story happen?
2.What did the poor girl sell?
3.Did the girl have a big Christmas meal?
(二)Listen and read the story, then underline the phrases below and guess their meanings in a low voice.
Pass by;fall down;be afraid to do;warm sb up;a fourth match;hold sb in one’s arms.
(三)Read 1a again and complete the following sentences.
Time:It was snowy and dark____.
Place:A poor girl was walking____.
Weather:The wind____strongly and the snow____on her long hair.
(四)What the little girl did:
1.The little girl was selling____in the streets.
2.She___any matches, and she felt____and____.
3.She lighted matches and saw a warm____,a delicious____,a beautiful____and her kind____.
4.She____against the wall the next morning and was____.
(五)Read again and write the key words for each picture. Then rewrite the story.
在學生自學、初步感知的基礎上,小組內展開互動互學。小組一般由6人(優等生1人,中等生4人,后進生1人)程度各異的學生組成。各小組的成員匯報自學情況,主要回答本課的學習目標和自學目標;小組長把各組員在自學中遇到的問題總結起來,大家一起思考、討論;最后,各小組長把組內不能解決的問題歸納起來,以便在組際交流。如有的小組提出:be afraid to do與be afraid of有何區別,它們能替換嗎?為什么使用a fourthmatch,而不用the fourth match等問題。
在組內互學后,進行組際展學,也就是全班同學一起交流,教師先讓討論得比較成熟的小組代表發言,匯報該組對知識的理解程度,其他各組作出補充、質疑和評價,再由各組提出本組的疑難問題,組際之間進行討論、解答。如在本課,學生經過一陣激烈的討論后,明白了be afraid to do與be afraid of、a fourthmatch與the fourth match的區別與用法;各組通過對上述目標(五)“Read again and write the key words. Then rewrite the story”的結果進行展示,使學生學用英語的效率得到提高,也對課文的內容有了更深刻的理解。