Madame Curie
1.交際用語;掌握交際用語中關于Certainty and uncertainty 的使用,并使學生能夠熟練運用下列表達:
Perhaps I'll go to that one.
Maybe it was useful for some people.
I'm not sure if/whether…
I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.
I'm not sure that …
I'm sure …
2. 語言點:掌握詞語succeed , devote, set off, pay off 等的用法
運用所學語言,完成教科書和練習冊中所規定的聽說讀寫的任務;閱讀課文Madame Curie", 確切理解,讓學生了解科學家居里夫婦一生為人類作出的貢獻,引導他們學習居里夫婦從事科學事業所表現出來的毅力,勇氣和獻身精神,并完成有關課文內容的練習。
教學建議Lesson 1
Lesson 1 詞匯辨析:
1. I'm not sure whether to go to the one about accidents. 我還沒有決定是否去聽那個有關事故的報告。
(1) be sure + whether等連詞+不定式
be sure + of/about短語
be sure + that-clause(從句)
① She isn't sure whether to stay in New York next month.下個月是否留在紐約,她還不能肯定。(注:不定式的邏輯主語與全句主語一致)
、 I wasn't sure about/of the way,so I asked someone.我對于怎么走沒有把握,所以我就問人了。
、跧'm sure he'll come.我肯定他會來。
。2)be sure to do sth.表示"一定會...,必定會..."。e.g.
It's a really good film-you're sure to like it.它確實是一部好電影,你一定會喜歡
(3)be sure作"有把握"解時,還可用feel sure。e.g.
、買've never felt sure of success.我從來沒有像現在這樣對勝利有充分的信心。
②I feel sure we have disturbed you of your work.我確信我們已打擾了你的工作。
(4)be sure 與be certain
be certain意思是"確信,有把握",用法與be sure同,即:
be certain + 不定式
be certain + of/about-phrase
be certain + that-clause
但sure強調主語的心理狀態,指主語心中無疑或十分確信、有把握,著重于人的內心世界,故其主語只能是人,且不能用來形容事件。所以當主語是表示事件的名詞、代詞或it時,只能用certain. certain 著重說明有肯定的理由和證據使人相信或確信,強調內心世界之外的證據。e.g.
、賗t is certain to rain.天肯定會下雨。
②His information was by no means certain.他的消息-點也不可靠。
、 It's almost certain that the government will lose the next election.幾乎可以肯定現政府會在下次選舉中輸掉。
④We are sure/certain of victory.我們確信自己會獲勝。
(5)make sure表示"查明,弄確實"和"(采取行動)確保",其用法是:
make sure + of-phrase
make sure + that-clause
① I think I locked the door,but I'll just go back and make sure of it/that I did.
、赥hey made sure of winning by scoring two goals in the last five minutes.
2. Perhaps I'll go to that one。也許我會去聽那個報告。
Maybe it was useful for some people.它(指報告)對一些人或許有益。
、貾erhaps/Maybe I'll go.我或許會去。
②This is perhaps his best novel yet.這也許是他迄今為止寫得最好的一部小說。
、跴erhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch.也許您愿意和我們一塊去吃午飯。(表請求)
、躖ou'd better go now,perhaps.您最好還是現在就走。(表命令)
⑤John probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything.約翰很可能把這一切都告訴了他的父親;他通常對父親是什么都說的。(表可能性很大)
⑥I'll do all I possibly can.我將盡我的所能去做。(與can連用)
⑦I can't possibly drink any more.我無論如何不能再喝了。
4.I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.我懷疑明年是否會再次邀請他發言。
(1)doubt + that-clause。e.g.
I doubt that she will get the job.我不相信她會得到那個工作。
(2)doubt + 名詞/代詞。e.g.
I doubt his honesty.我對他的誠實表示懷疑。
(3)doubt + v.-ing form。e.g.
We ever doubted being able to finish the work in time.我們曾經對能否及時完成這工作懷疑過。
(4)doubt + of-phrase。e.g.
They have never doubted of success.他們從未對取得成功有什么懷疑。
如果要表示"對……沒有懷疑/疑慮",則用句型There is no doubt about sth./as to sth./that-clause。
①There is no doubt about the truth of the news.=There is no doubt as to the troth Of the news.消息的真實性無可懷疑。
、赥here is no doubt that the news is true.=No doubt that the news is true. 消息無疑是真實的。
教學建議Lesson 2
Lesson 2詞語辨析:
2.There was a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than uranium.
此句中的certain 是形容詞,做定語,意思是"某,某一,某種,一定的",用來表達:
(1)不具體指明的某個,某些,或 知而不說的某事物,后接名詞單復數形式均可。e.g.
① Water can be changed into ice or steam under certain conditions.水在一定的條件下可以變成冰或蒸汽。
②.He didn't come for a certain reason.由于某種原因,他沒來。
(2) 表示一個知之不詳的事物。e.g. A certain Ms Jones phoned you today. 有位瓊斯女士今天給你來過電話。
certain與some 的區別:
certain , some 都可作形容詞,作定語,表示"某,某個",前面說到certain 作定語表示不具體指明的某個,某些或知而不說的事物,或表示一個知之不祥的事物。而some則用來表示不確定的或不能夠具體說明的某個人或某物,即不可知的某事物,只修飾單數可數名詞,且不與冠詞連用。e.g.
a. He went to some place in Africa. 他去了非洲的某個地方。
b. b. Some man asked to see you just now. 有個人剛才要求見你。
5. As months went by,the work seemed endless.時間一個月一個月地過去了,而他們的工作似乎并無止境。
(1)此句中go by是動詞短語,意思是"(時光)逝去"(不及物性動詞短語)。還可作"經過(某處)"(及物或不及物性動詞短語)。e.g.
、賂wo years went by.兩年過去了。
②We waited for the procession to go by。我們等著游行隊伍經過。
③A truck went by us at full speed.一輛卡車從我們身旁全速通過。
、躍he let the chance go by.她錯過了機會。
(2)go by還可作"依照,遵循,依據……辦事"解,及物性動詞短語.e.g.
He always goes by the rules.他總是按規則辦事。
(3)go by還可意為"根據……作出判?quot;。e.g.
Going by her clothes,she must be very rich.從她的衣著來判斷,她很有錢。
go by 與 pass by,pass的區別:
(1)go by和pass by是同義短語,都可指"經過"(某處),go by是動詞+副詞結構,意為"從……旁邊經過,經過"。pass by意為"經過,通過,從……旁邊經過",指經過人或物的面前或旁邊而不停頓,也不注意所經過的人或物是誰。pass意為"經過",指在人或物的面前或旁邊經過,側重經過的動作。用pass by時,側重不加注意的意味,但在實際上,pass和pass by常被毫無區別地使用。e.g.
①The bus went by the stop without stopping.那輛公共汽車停都沒停就從汽車站開了過去。
、贏 car went by.一輛汽車駛過去。
、跦e passed by me without noticing me.他從我身邊走過而沒注意到我。
、躀 pass the church on my way to school.在我上學的路上經過教堂。
⑤She waved at me as she passed(by).她經過時向我揮了揮手。
(2)go by,pass by和pass又都可用來指時間"流逝,過去"。e.g.
、賁everal years went by before they met again.他們過了好幾年才再次見面。
②A year passed by,and still she had not found a suitable job.一年過去了,但她仍然沒找到合適的工作。
、跿wo years has passed since I entered this school.我進這所學校已兩年了。
8.Its rays could go through every mineral except lead.它的射線可以穿透除鋁以外的所有其他礦物質。
(1)此句中go through是動詞短語,意思是"穿過,貫穿",后接名詞。e.g.
The train went through some tunnels.火車通過了若干隧道。
(2)go through還可指"(法律等)被通過",作不及物或及物性動詞短語。e.g.
、賂he bill has gone through without a vote.該法案未經投票表決就通過了。
、赥he plan must go through several stages.這項計劃必須經過幾個階段才能通過。
(3)go through還可作"遭受,經歷,忍受"解,及物性短語動詞。e.g.
The country has gone through too many wars.這個國家經歷了太多的戰爭。
(4)go through還可指"用掉,花掉",及物性動詞短語。e.g.
Have you gone through all your money already?你已經把所有的錢都花光了嗎?
(5)go through還可作"仔細檢查,審查",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
I'm sure it's there-I'll go through the file again.我確信它就在那兒, 我要再次仔細檢查一下那文件。
10.She refused to treat these new discoveries as though they belonged to her,and instead shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world.她不同意把這些新發現看作是屬于她自己的東西,而是獻出自己的全部知識,與整個科學界共享。
(1)此句中as though = as if意思是"好像,仿佛",作連詞,后接方式狀語從句。從句的謂語動詞一般要用虛擬語氣,即動詞用過去時或過去完成時。e.g.
①She always talks to me as though/if she were/was my sister.她總是以我妹妹的口氣跟我說話。
、贖e walked slowly as if he had hurt his leg.他慢慢地走,好像腿受傷的樣子。
但as though/if從句在look,seem后,從句的謂語動詞可不用虛擬語氣。e·g.
、賁he looks as if she's going to cry.她看起來要哭似的。
②It seems as though he has been at the scene of the crime.看樣子他好像曾在犯罪現場。
(2)句中belong to意為"屬于",及物性短語動詞。注意此詞組無被動浯態,無進行時態。e.g.
That dictionary belongs to me.那本辭典是我的。
I belong to the tennis club.我是這個網球俱樂部的會員。
、 The boy shared his toy with other children.那男孩把他的玩具拿出來,和其他小孩子一起玩。
、赪ould you share your newspaper with me?我們-起看報好嗎?
share...with與share...between/among 的區別:
、 He shared his property between his wife,his daughter and his son.他把他的財產分給了他的妻子、女兒和兒子。
② Mother is sharing the cakes among/between the boys to make sure that every boy gets some.媽媽在給孩子們分糕點以確保每個孩子得到一份。
11.Which mineral would you use to protect yourself against radium?你會用哪種礦物來保護自己不受鐳的傷害呢? ,
句中protect sb./sth.against意思是"防御,保護……使不受(傷害)",這里介詞against也可換成from,即protect sb./sth.from..。e.g.
①A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.邊界沿線構筑了碉堡,以防敵人進攻該國。
、贖e is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴著太陽鏡以擋強烈的陽光。
說明:protect against...和protect...from用法基本相同。防御較為嚴重的傷害,通常用介詞against,一般情況常用from,但區分不是很嚴格。e.g.
Cares should be taken at all times to protect the equipment against/from dust and damp.應當經常注意保護設備,不使其積塵和受潮。
教學建議Lesson 3
Lesson 3詞語辨析:
1.polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.釙用來引爆核彈。
(1)本句中set off 意思是"使……爆炸",及物性短浯動詞:e.g.
They set off the fireworks as soon as it got dark.天一黑他們就放焰火(煙花)。
(2)set off 還可指"出發,動身",不及物性短語動詞。e.g.
They set off in search of the lost child.他們出發去尋找那個丟失的孩子。
(3)set off 還可意為"引起,觸發",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
、賂hat strike set off a series of strikes throughout the country.那次罷工引發了全國一系列的罷工。
、贏 letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.一封家書觸發了他的思鄉病的發作。
(4)set off 還可指"使某人突然產生某種活動",其后往往接v.-ing,即set doing sth.e.g.
Whatever you say will set her off crying.不管你說什么都會使她哭泣。
(5)set off還可指"襯托,使更明顯"。e.g.
This gold frame sets off your painting well.這金色的框架把你的畫襯托得非常好看。
搭配辨析set off 與setout,set about
(1)set out也可意為"出發,動身",用法與set off同,不及物性短語動詞。e.g.
They set out/off on a sightseeing tour.他們動身出去觀光旅行。
(2)set out還可指"開始著手,做某事",后接動詞不定式。e.g.
We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.我們為油漆整座房子開始干起來,但只完成了前面部分。
(3)set out可指"陳列,擺出,安排",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
、賁et out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.擺好開會的坐椅,每排十張。
、赥he meal was set out on a long table.飯菜擺在一張長桌子上。
(4)set out還可指"表明,陳述,闡述(事實、理由等)"。e.g.
The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.我作出決定的理由在我的報告中作了闡述。
(5)set about意為"開始做或處理,著手",其后接名詞或v.-ing,即set about + sth./doing sth.e.g.
① The sooner we set about it the sooner we'll finish.我們越早開始就可以越早完成這件工作。
、赪e set about cleaning up mess.我們開始把亂七八糟的東西打掃干凈。
(6)set about還可指"攻擊",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
Our dog set about the postman.我們的狗追著要咬郵遞員。
(1)be used as與be used for,be used to sth./doing sth,be used to do sth.的區別:
be used as和be used for都意為"用作",不同的是as后通常接名詞,for后多接v.-ing;be used to sth./doing sth.意為"習慣于某事/做某事",to在這里是介詞;be used to do sth.意為"被用于做某事";used to do 意為"過去常常做某事",used to這里是助動詞:e.g.
①During the war the castle was used as a prison.戰爭期間城堡用來作監獄。
、贒uring the war the castle was used for keeping prisoners in.戰爭期間城堡用來監禁囚犯。
③I'm used to the noise.我對這噪音已經習慣了。
、躀'm not used to getting up early.我不習慣于早起。
、軼ind can be used to produce electricity·風可以用來發電。
、轙his river used to be clean.這條河以前是干凈的。
(2)a cure for...與cure sb.of...的區別:
a cure for...意為"對…的治療",cure這里作名詞;"cure sb. of"意為"治好或治愈某人的...病",cure這里作及物動詞。e.g.
、賂his is a certain cure for your laziness.這是治懶惰的特效藥
、贛oving to the country cured her of asthma.搬到鄉下她的哮喘就好了。
be admired as與be admired for的區別:
(1)be admired as意為"被當作……為人們所欽佩",as是介詞,意為"作為"。
。2)be admired for意為"因(某種原因)而為人們所欽佩",for是介詞,表示原因。e.g.
He is really admired for his frankness.他以他的坦誠實在為人們所欽佩。
pay off與pay for,pay,pay...for...的區別:
pay off + debt指"還清"債款
pay for sth.指"對(某物)的款"
pay sb.some money意為."付給某人(多少)錢"。
pay sb./money for sth.意為"付給(某人款/錢買某物)"。 e.g.
、賁he tried to leave the shop without paying for the dress.她企圖買衣服不付款就離開商店。
②He paid the servant 5 dollars to wash his car.他付給傭人五元錢叫他洗車。
、跦e paid her for the work.他付給她工錢。
④I paid £200 for the painting.這幅畫我花了二百英鎊。
⑤Did you pay him l00 dollars for that old bike你付給他那輛舊自行車了嗎?
1) 限定性定語從句:限定性定語從句對所修飾的先行詞起限定作用。 限定性定語從句中關系詞的使用列表如下:
主語 關系代詞:who/that(指人) which/that(指物 關系代詞不能省略
賓語 who/whom/that(指人)
which/that(指物) 關系代詞在非正式
定語 whose 名詞前表所有關系
介詞+關系代詞 whom(指人) which(指物) 關系代詞不能用who或that
whose(定語) 名詞前表所有關系
狀語 關系副詞:when(時間) where(地點)why(原因) 先行詞為表時間、
、貯nna was an American writer who/that interviewed Mao Ze dong in Ya'an.(指人作主語)
、赥he friends whom/who/that we met in the park were from Egypt.(指人作賓語)
、跘 taxi is a car (that/which)you can hire.(指物作賓語) 出租車是你可以租用的小汽車。
、躆any forests where the animals lived were destroyed.(作狀語)
、軼e ought to help those families whose men are in the army.(作定語)
、轍e looked at the box from which the voice came.(介詞+關系代詞)
例:They visited the city of Hangzhou,which is famous for its beautiful scene.他們參觀了杭州城,它以風景秀麗而聞名。
、貰ig floods hit some parts of China in the summer of 1998,which caused a great damage to the country.1998年夏中國部分地區遭受特大洪災,給國家帶來了巨大損失。(指代整個句子)
、赥hey got married on July 1,1997,when Hong Kong returned to our motherland.他們于1997年7月1日喜結良緣,香港在這一天回歸祖國。(指代時間作狀語)
、賏:I'll never forget the days which/that I spent in the country.(which作spent的賓語)
b:I'll never forget the days when I worked in the country.(when代替in the days作狀語)
、赼:They came to the small village,which was hundreds of miles from the city.(which在從句中作主語)
b:They came to the small village,where not more than l00 villagers lived.(where代替in the village作狀語)他們來到這個小村莊,那里的村民不超過一百人。
2)the time,the way等為先行詞時關系詞的使用。
例:By the time (when/that) they arrived,the house had been destroyed completely.等他們到達時,房子已完全燒毀了。
(2)the way用作先行詞,關系代詞作介詞in的賓語時,通常介詞與關系代詞可以同時省略;如不使用"in",則不能用關系代詞。
例:He hated the ways(which/that)she talked (in).他不喜歡她說話的方式。
(1) 關系代詞前有形容詞的最高級修飾時。
This is the funniest drama that I have seen.這是我看過的最滑稽的劇。
例:①Everything that was taught in class seemed easy for him. 對他來說課堂上教的一切似乎很容易。
例:①It was the only textbook that could be found.這是能夠找到的僅有的一本課本。
、赥his is the very dictionary that I want to get.這正是我想得到的詞典。
例:It was the maths book that the boy was in search of.這是這個男孩正在尋找的數學書。
5)whose與of which/whom
(2)of which/whom還可表示"其中的……"(整體的部分)
例:He told us many stories about Long March,of which this is a good example.他給我們講了許多關于長征的故事,這是其中一個很好的例子。
1.The result of the experiment was very good, ____ we hadn't expected. (NMET2000,10)
2.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,____,of course,made the others unhappy.
A.when B.which C.this D.what
3.Carol said the work would be done by October,____ personally I doubt very much.(NMET99,19) B.that C.then D.which
4.The weather turned out to be very good,____ was more than we could expect. (NMET94,39)
A.what B.which C.that
As we all know,he never smokes. The foolish boy made the mistake again,as could be expected. ____ is mentioned above,the number of students in senior high school is increasing.('99上海,4)
A.Which B.As C.That D.It
He is a farmer as/which is clear from his manners.(在從句中作主語)
This elephant is like a snake,as/which anybody can see.(在從句中作賓語)
2. which引導的非限制性定語從句一般放在句末,而as引導的非限制性定語從句可放在句末,也可放在句中、句首。置于句首時,不能用which替換。如:
Crusoe lost his dog, which made him very sad.
Taiwan is part of China, as/which is known to all.
As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.
Cyprus, as you all know, is in the Mediterranean.大家都知道,塞浦路斯在地中海。
Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light。竹子是空的,所以很輕。
He married her,as was natural.
She refused to take the medicine,which made her mother angry.
It rained hard yesterday,which prevented her from going to Shenyang.
但若從句謂語是usually, happen,be often the case等時,仍用關系代詞as,不用which。如:
He is absent,as is often the case.
1.誤:We visited a factory where makes toys for children.
正:We visited a factory which that makes toys for children.
析:此句錯誤的原因是把先行詞a factory當作從句中的狀 語,實際上先行詞a factory在從句中充當動詞makes的主語。故關系詞應使用which或that。
2.誤:After living in Paris for 50years,he returned to the small town that he grew up as a child。
正:After living in Paris for 50years, he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child。
析:此句錯誤的原因是把先行詞the small town當作從句中的賓語,實際上從句中缺少地點狀語。因為從句中謂語動詞grew up是一個不及物動詞短語,其后的as a child已充當了賓語,故從句中缺少狀語,應使用關系副詞where。
3.誤:He paid the boy $15 for washing ten windows,most of them hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
正:He paid the boy $15 for washing ten windows, most of which hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
誤:This is the boy with him he worked.
正:This is the boy(that/whom) he worked with。
正:This is the boy with whom he worked.
析:在定語從句中,如果介詞及介詞短語用在從句前,其后必須用關系代詞which(指物)、whom(指人)。上面兩誤句中先行詞windows(物),the boy(人)應分別使用most of which和with whom。如果介詞及介詞短語用在從句句尾,應按普通定語從句對待。
1.交際用語;掌握交際用語中關于Certainty and uncertainty 的使用,并使學生能夠熟練運用下列表達:
Perhaps I'll go to that one.
Maybe it was useful for some people.
I'm not sure if/whether…
I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.
I'm not sure that …
I'm sure …
2. 語言點:掌握詞語succeed , devote, set off, pay off 等的用法
運用所學語言,完成教科書和練習冊中所規定的聽說讀寫的任務;閱讀課文Madame Curie", 確切理解,讓學生了解科學家居里夫婦一生為人類作出的貢獻,引導他們學習居里夫婦從事科學事業所表現出來的毅力,勇氣和獻身精神,并完成有關課文內容的練習。
教學建議Lesson 1
Lesson 1 詞匯辨析:
1. I'm not sure whether to go to the one about accidents. 我還沒有決定是否去聽那個有關事故的報告。
(1) be sure + whether等連詞+不定式
be sure + of/about短語
be sure + that-clause(從句)
① She isn't sure whether to stay in New York next month.下個月是否留在紐約,她還不能肯定。(注:不定式的邏輯主語與全句主語一致)
、 I wasn't sure about/of the way,so I asked someone.我對于怎么走沒有把握,所以我就問人了。
、跧'm sure he'll come.我肯定他會來。
(2)be sure to do sth.表示"一定會...,必定會..."。e.g.
It's a really good film-you're sure to like it.它確實是一部好電影,你一定會喜歡
(3)be sure作"有把握"解時,還可用feel sure。e.g.
、買've never felt sure of success.我從來沒有像現在這樣對勝利有充分的信心。
、贗 feel sure we have disturbed you of your work.我確信我們已打擾了你的工作。
(4)be sure 與be certain
be certain意思是"確信,有把握",用法與be sure同,即:
be certain + 不定式
be certain + of/about-phrase
be certain + that-clause
但sure強調主語的心理狀態,指主語心中無疑或十分確信、有把握,著重于人的內心世界,故其主語只能是人,且不能用來形容事件。所以當主語是表示事件的名詞、代詞或it時,只能用certain. certain 著重說明有肯定的理由和證據使人相信或確信,強調內心世界之外的證據。e.g.
、賗t is certain to rain.天肯定會下雨。
、贖is information was by no means certain.他的消息-點也不可靠。
③ It's almost certain that the government will lose the next election.幾乎可以肯定現政府會在下次選舉中輸掉。
、躓e are sure/certain of victory.我們確信自己會獲勝。
(5)make sure表示"查明,弄確實"和"(采取行動)確保",其用法是:
make sure + of-phrase
make sure + that-clause
、 I think I locked the door,but I'll just go back and make sure of it/that I did.
②They made sure of winning by scoring two goals in the last five minutes.
2. Perhaps I'll go to that one。也許我會去聽那個報告。
Maybe it was useful for some people.它(指報告)對一些人或許有益。
、貾erhaps/Maybe I'll go.我或許會去。
、赥his is perhaps his best novel yet.這也許是他迄今為止寫得最好的一部小說。
③Perhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch.也許您愿意和我們一塊去吃午飯。(表請求)
、躖ou'd better go now,perhaps.您最好還是現在就走。(表命令)
、軯ohn probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything.約翰很可能把這一切都告訴了他的父親;他通常對父親是什么都說的。(表可能性很大)
⑥I'll do all I possibly can.我將盡我的所能去做。(與can連用)
⑦I can't possibly drink any more.我無論如何不能再喝了。
4.I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.我懷疑明年是否會再次邀請他發言。
(1)doubt + that-clause。e.g.
I doubt that she will get the job.我不相信她會得到那個工作。
(2)doubt + 名詞/代詞。e.g.
I doubt his honesty.我對他的誠實表示懷疑。
(3)doubt + v.-ing form。e.g.
We ever doubted being able to finish the work in time.我們曾經對能否及時完成這工作懷疑過。
(4)doubt + of-phrase。e.g.
They have never doubted of success.他們從未對取得成功有什么懷疑。
如果要表示"對……沒有懷疑/疑慮",則用句型There is no doubt about sth./as to sth./that-clause。
①There is no doubt about the truth of the news.=There is no doubt as to the troth Of the news.消息的真實性無可懷疑。
、赥here is no doubt that the news is true.=No doubt that the news is true. 消息無疑是真實的。
教學建議Lesson 2
Lesson 2詞語辨析:
2.There was a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than uranium.
此句中的certain 是形容詞,做定語,意思是"某,某一,某種,一定的",用來表達:
(1)不具體指明的某個,某些,或 知而不說的某事物,后接名詞單復數形式均可。e.g.
、 Water can be changed into ice or steam under certain conditions.水在一定的條件下可以變成冰或蒸汽。
②.He didn't come for a certain reason.由于某種原因,他沒來。
(2) 表示一個知之不詳的事物。e.g. A certain Ms Jones phoned you today. 有位瓊斯女士今天給你來過電話。
certain與some 的區別:
certain , some 都可作形容詞,作定語,表示"某,某個",前面說到certain 作定語表示不具體指明的某個,某些或知而不說的事物,或表示一個知之不祥的事物。而some則用來表示不確定的或不能夠具體說明的某個人或某物,即不可知的某事物,只修飾單數可數名詞,且不與冠詞連用。e.g.
a. He went to some place in Africa. 他去了非洲的某個地方。
b. b. Some man asked to see you just now. 有個人剛才要求見你。
5. As months went by,the work seemed endless.時間一個月一個月地過去了,而他們的工作似乎并無止境。
(1)此句中go by是動詞短語,意思是"(時光)逝去"(不及物性動詞短語)。還可作"經過(某處)"(及物或不及物性動詞短語)。e.g.
①Two years went by.兩年過去了。
②We waited for the procession to go by。我們等著游行隊伍經過。
③A truck went by us at full speed.一輛卡車從我們身旁全速通過。
④She let the chance go by.她錯過了機會。
(2)go by還可作"依照,遵循,依據……辦事"解,及物性動詞短語.e.g.
He always goes by the rules.他總是按規則辦事。
(3)go by還可意為"根據……作出判?quot;。e.g.
Going by her clothes,she must be very rich.從她的衣著來判斷,她很有錢。
go by 與 pass by,pass的區別:
(1)go by和pass by是同義短語,都可指"經過"(某處),go by是動詞+副詞結構,意為"從……旁邊經過,經過"。pass by意為"經過,通過,從……旁邊經過",指經過人或物的面前或旁邊而不停頓,也不注意所經過的人或物是誰。pass意為"經過",指在人或物的面前或旁邊經過,側重經過的動作。用pass by時,側重不加注意的意味,但在實際上,pass和pass by常被毫無區別地使用。e.g.
①The bus went by the stop without stopping.那輛公共汽車停都沒停就從汽車站開了過去。
、贏 car went by.一輛汽車駛過去。
、跦e passed by me without noticing me.他從我身邊走過而沒注意到我。
、躀 pass the church on my way to school.在我上學的路上經過教堂。
、軸he waved at me as she passed(by).她經過時向我揮了揮手。
(2)go by,pass by和pass又都可用來指時間"流逝,過去"。e.g.
、賁everal years went by before they met again.他們過了好幾年才再次見面。
、贏 year passed by,and still she had not found a suitable job.一年過去了,但她仍然沒找到合適的工作。
、跿wo years has passed since I entered this school.我進這所學校已兩年了。
8.Its rays could go through every mineral except lead.它的射線可以穿透除鋁以外的所有其他礦物質。
(1)此句中go through是動詞短語,意思是"穿過,貫穿",后接名詞。e.g.
The train went through some tunnels.火車通過了若干隧道。
(2)go through還可指"(法律等)被通過",作不及物或及物性動詞短語。e.g.
①The bill has gone through without a vote.該法案未經投票表決就通過了。
、赥he plan must go through several stages.這項計劃必須經過幾個階段才能通過。
(3)go through還可作"遭受,經歷,忍受"解,及物性短語動詞。e.g.
The country has gone through too many wars.這個國家經歷了太多的戰爭。
(4)go through還可指"用掉,花掉",及物性動詞短語。e.g.
Have you gone through all your money already?你已經把所有的錢都花光了嗎?
(5)go through還可作"仔細檢查,審查",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
I'm sure it's there-I'll go through the file again.我確信它就在那兒, 我要再次仔細檢查一下那文件。
10.She refused to treat these new discoveries as though they belonged to her,and instead shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world.她不同意把這些新發現看作是屬于她自己的東西,而是獻出自己的全部知識,與整個科學界共享。
(1)此句中as though = as if意思是"好像,仿佛",作連詞,后接方式狀語從句。從句的謂語動詞一般要用虛擬語氣,即動詞用過去時或過去完成時。e.g.
、賁he always talks to me as though/if she were/was my sister.她總是以我妹妹的口氣跟我說話。
、贖e walked slowly as if he had hurt his leg.他慢慢地走,好像腿受傷的樣子。
但as though/if從句在look,seem后,從句的謂語動詞可不用虛擬語氣。e·g.
、賁he looks as if she's going to cry.她看起來要哭似的。
②It seems as though he has been at the scene of the crime.看樣子他好像曾在犯罪現場。
(2)句中belong to意為"屬于",及物性短語動詞。注意此詞組無被動浯態,無進行時態。e.g.
That dictionary belongs to me.那本辭典是我的。
I belong to the tennis club.我是這個網球俱樂部的會員。
、 The boy shared his toy with other children.那男孩把他的玩具拿出來,和其他小孩子一起玩。
②Would you share your newspaper with me?我們-起看報好嗎?
share...with與share...between/among 的區別:
① He shared his property between his wife,his daughter and his son.他把他的財產分給了他的妻子、女兒和兒子。
、 Mother is sharing the cakes among/between the boys to make sure that every boy gets some.媽媽在給孩子們分糕點以確保每個孩子得到一份。
11.Which mineral would you use to protect yourself against radium?你會用哪種礦物來保護自己不受鐳的傷害呢? ,
句中protect sb./sth.against意思是"防御,保護……使不受(傷害)",這里介詞against也可換成from,即protect sb./sth.from..。e.g.
①A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.邊界沿線構筑了碉堡,以防敵人進攻該國。
、贖e is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴著太陽鏡以擋強烈的陽光。
說明:protect against...和protect...from用法基本相同。防御較為嚴重的傷害,通常用介詞against,一般情況常用from,但區分不是很嚴格。e.g.
Cares should be taken at all times to protect the equipment against/from dust and damp.應當經常注意保護設備,不使其積塵和受潮。
教學建議Lesson 3
Lesson 3詞語辨析:
1.polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.釙用來引爆核彈。
(1)本句中set off 意思是"使……爆炸",及物性短浯動詞:e.g.
They set off the fireworks as soon as it got dark.天一黑他們就放焰火(煙花)。
(2)set off 還可指"出發,動身",不及物性短語動詞。e.g.
They set off in search of the lost child.他們出發去尋找那個丟失的孩子。
(3)set off 還可意為"引起,觸發",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
、賂hat strike set off a series of strikes throughout the country.那次罷工引發了全國一系列的罷工。
②A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.一封家書觸發了他的思鄉病的發作。
(4)set off 還可指"使某人突然產生某種活動",其后往往接v.-ing,即set doing sth.e.g.
Whatever you say will set her off crying.不管你說什么都會使她哭泣。
(5)set off還可指"襯托,使更明顯"。e.g.
This gold frame sets off your painting well.這金色的框架把你的畫襯托得非常好看。
搭配辨析set off 與setout,set about
(1)set out也可意為"出發,動身",用法與set off同,不及物性短語動詞。e.g.
They set out/off on a sightseeing tour.他們動身出去觀光旅行。
(2)set out還可指"開始著手,做某事",后接動詞不定式。e.g.
We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.我們為油漆整座房子開始干起來,但只完成了前面部分。
(3)set out可指"陳列,擺出,安排",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
、賁et out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.擺好開會的坐椅,每排十張。
、赥he meal was set out on a long table.飯菜擺在一張長桌子上。
(4)set out還可指"表明,陳述,闡述(事實、理由等)"。e.g.
The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.我作出決定的理由在我的報告中作了闡述。
(5)set about意為"開始做或處理,著手",其后接名詞或v.-ing,即set about + sth./doing sth.e.g.
① The sooner we set about it the sooner we'll finish.我們越早開始就可以越早完成這件工作。
②We set about cleaning up mess.我們開始把亂七八糟的東西打掃干凈。
(6)set about還可指"攻擊",及物性短語動詞。e.g.
Our dog set about the postman.我們的狗追著要咬郵遞員。
(1)be used as與be used for,be used to sth./doing sth,be used to do sth.的區別:
be used as和be used for都意為"用作",不同的是as后通常接名詞,for后多接v.-ing;be used to sth./doing sth.意為"習慣于某事/做某事",to在這里是介詞;be used to do sth.意為"被用于做某事";used to do 意為"過去常常做某事",used to這里是助動詞:e.g.
、貲uring the war the castle was used as a prison.戰爭期間城堡用來作監獄。
、贒uring the war the castle was used for keeping prisoners in.戰爭期間城堡用來監禁囚犯。
③I'm used to the noise.我對這噪音已經習慣了。
④I'm not used to getting up early.我不習慣于早起。
、軼ind can be used to produce electricity·風可以用來發電。
、轙his river used to be clean.這條河以前是干凈的。
(2)a cure for...與cure sb.of...的區別:
a cure for...意為"對…的治療",cure這里作名詞;"cure sb. of"意為"治好或治愈某人的...病",cure這里作及物動詞。e.g.
、賂his is a certain cure for your laziness.這是治懶惰的特效藥
②Moving to the country cured her of asthma.搬到鄉下她的哮喘就好了。
be admired as與be admired for的區別:
。1)be admired as意為"被當作……為人們所欽佩",as是介詞,意為"作為"。
。2)be admired for意為"因(某種原因)而為人們所欽佩",for是介詞,表示原因。e.g.
He is really admired for his frankness.他以他的坦誠實在為人們所欽佩。
pay off與pay for,pay,pay...for...的區別:
pay off + debt指"還清"債款
pay for sth.指"對(某物)的款"
pay sb.some money意為."付給某人(多少)錢"。
pay sb./money for sth.意為"付給(某人款/錢買某物)"。 e.g.
、賁he tried to leave the shop without paying for the dress.她企圖買衣服不付款就離開商店。
、贖e paid the servant 5 dollars to wash his car.他付給傭人五元錢叫他洗車。
、跦e paid her for the work.他付給她工錢。
、躀 paid £200 for the painting.這幅畫我花了二百英鎊。
⑤Did you pay him l00 dollars for that old bike你付給他那輛舊自行車了嗎?
1) 限定性定語從句:限定性定語從句對所修飾的先行詞起限定作用。 限定性定語從句中關系詞的使用列表如下:
主語 關系代詞:who/that(指人) which/that(指物 關系代詞不能省略
賓語 who/whom/that(指人)
which/that(指物) 關系代詞在非正式
定語 whose 名詞前表所有關系
介詞+關系代詞 whom(指人) which(指物) 關系代詞不能用who或that
whose(定語) 名詞前表所有關系
狀語 關系副詞:when(時間) where(地點)why(原因) 先行詞為表時間、
、貯nna was an American writer who/that interviewed Mao Ze dong in Ya'an.(指人作主語)
、赥he friends whom/who/that we met in the park were from Egypt.(指人作賓語)
③A taxi is a car (that/which)you can hire.(指物作賓語) 出租車是你可以租用的小汽車。
④Many forests where the animals lived were destroyed.(作狀語)
、軼e ought to help those families whose men are in the army.(作定語)
⑥He looked at the box from which the voice came.(介詞+關系代詞)
例:They visited the city of Hangzhou,which is famous for its beautiful scene.他們參觀了杭州城,它以風景秀麗而聞名。
、貰ig floods hit some parts of China in the summer of 1998,which caused a great damage to the country.1998年夏中國部分地區遭受特大洪災,給國家帶來了巨大損失。(指代整個句子)
②They got married on July 1,1997,when Hong Kong returned to our motherland.他們于1997年7月1日喜結良緣,香港在這一天回歸祖國。(指代時間作狀語)
①a:I'll never forget the days which/that I spent in the country.(which作spent的賓語)
b:I'll never forget the days when I worked in the country.(when代替in the days作狀語)
、赼:They came to the small village,which was hundreds of miles from the city.(which在從句中作主語)
b:They came to the small village,where not more than l00 villagers lived.(where代替in the village作狀語)他們來到這個小村莊,那里的村民不超過一百人。
2)the time,the way等為先行詞時關系詞的使用。
例:By the time (when/that) they arrived,the house had been destroyed completely.等他們到達時,房子已完全燒毀了。
(2)the way用作先行詞,關系代詞作介詞in的賓語時,通常介詞與關系代詞可以同時省略;如不使用"in",則不能用關系代詞。
例:He hated the ways(which/that)she talked (in).他不喜歡她說話的方式。
(1) 關系代詞前有形容詞的最高級修飾時。
This is the funniest drama that I have seen.這是我看過的最滑稽的劇。
例:①Everything that was taught in class seemed easy for him. 對他來說課堂上教的一切似乎很容易。
例:①It was the only textbook that could be found.這是能夠找到的僅有的一本課本。
、赥his is the very dictionary that I want to get.這正是我想得到的詞典。
例:It was the maths book that the boy was in search of.這是這個男孩正在尋找的數學書。
5)whose與of which/whom
(2)of which/whom還可表示"其中的……"(整體的部分)
例:He told us many stories about Long March,of which this is a good example.他給我們講了許多關于長征的故事,這是其中一個很好的例子。
1.The result of the experiment was very good, ____ we hadn't expected. (NMET2000,10)
2.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,____,of course,made the others unhappy.
A.when B.which C.this D.what
3.Carol said the work would be done by October,____ personally I doubt very much.(NMET99,19) B.that C.then D.which
4.The weather turned out to be very good,____ was more than we could expect. (NMET94,39)
A.what B.which C.that
As we all know,he never smokes. The foolish boy made the mistake again,as could be expected. ____ is mentioned above,the number of students in senior high school is increasing.('99上海,4)
A.Which B.As C.That D.It
He is a farmer as/which is clear from his manners.(在從句中作主語)
This elephant is like a snake,as/which anybody can see.(在從句中作賓語)
2. which引導的非限制性定語從句一般放在句末,而as引導的非限制性定語從句可放在句末,也可放在句中、句首。置于句首時,不能用which替換。如:
Crusoe lost his dog, which made him very sad.
Taiwan is part of China, as/which is known to all.
As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.
Cyprus, as you all know, is in the Mediterranean.大家都知道,塞浦路斯在地中海。
Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light。竹子是空的,所以很輕。
He married her,as was natural.
She refused to take the medicine,which made her mother angry.
It rained hard yesterday,which prevented her from going to Shenyang.
但若從句謂語是usually, happen,be often the case等時,仍用關系代詞as,不用which。如:
He is absent,as is often the case.
1.誤:We visited a factory where makes toys for children.
正:We visited a factory which that makes toys for children.
析:此句錯誤的原因是把先行詞a factory當作從句中的狀 語,實際上先行詞a factory在從句中充當動詞makes的主語。故關系詞應使用which或that。
2.誤:After living in Paris for 50years,he returned to the small town that he grew up as a child。
正:After living in Paris for 50years, he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child。
析:此句錯誤的原因是把先行詞the small town當作從句中的賓語,實際上從句中缺少地點狀語。因為從句中謂語動詞grew up是一個不及物動詞短語,其后的as a child已充當了賓語,故從句中缺少狀語,應使用關系副詞where。
3.誤:He paid the boy $15 for washing ten windows,most of them hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
正:He paid the boy $15 for washing ten windows, most of which hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
誤:This is the boy with him he worked.
正:This is the boy(that/whom) he worked with。
正:This is the boy with whom he worked.
析:在定語從句中,如果介詞及介詞短語用在從句前,其后必須用關系代詞which(指物)、whom(指人)。上面兩誤句中先行詞windows(物),the boy(人)應分別使用most of which和with whom。如果介詞及介詞短語用在從句句尾,應按普通定語從句對待。
教學設計Unit 1 Lesson 1
Unit 1 Lesson 1
Step 1 Check the pronunciation of the new words in Unit 1
Ask one or two students to read aloud the new words one by one, correct their pronunciation and then ask all the students to read aloud after the teacher (twice for each word).
Step 2 Dialogue
Tell the students "Now , we are going to listen to a dialogue about a medical conference. Here are two questions for you to think about while you are listening. I'll play the tape twice and you are supposed to give the answers and the key words that support your answers."
Tell the students the two questions and write them on the blackboard if necessary.
Questions: 1. Is it a good conference this year? (No.)
2. What is it like? (Very disappointing; not as good as last year's.)
I. Listening (twice)
Play the tape for the students to listen to. Try asking them to answer the two questions at the end of the first time. If most of them can answer the questions properly, you can let the students repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence at the second time.
II. Answering questions
III. Go through the dialogue
Ask the students to underline the expressions of certainty and uncertainty, write them on the blackboard or display them on the screen. Ask,
"What do you think the function of these expressions? And when shall we use them?"
"Is there any difference?"
The students will definitely say "Yes". Encourage them to tell which expressions show certainty and which show uncertainty. Then ask,
"Can you give some more such similar expressions to express certainty and uncertainty?"
Put down what the students say or remind them to remember some and put them down on the blackboard. The students should copy the in their textbooks.
a.the expressions of certainty:
I'm sure…
The expressions of uncertainty:
I'm not sure
I doubt if…
b. How did you find the talk this morning?
How did you like ? / What did you think of ? / What was the talk like…?
IV. Practice (group work)
Let the students practice the dialogue in groups of two or four while the teacher walks among the students in case there are some questions and problems to answer and settle.
Step3 Practice (Part 2 &3 on Page 1)
These two exercises are easy enough for the students to finish in a short time. The teacher should remind and encourage them to make as many proper sentences as possible. e.g.
1 (I'm sure) +a/b/c/d/e/f/g
Step 4 Workbook (Ex.3, Page 73)
1. Ex,2, P73
2. Learn the dialogue in Lesson 1 by heart.
(For some students whose English is really poor, maybe reading fluently is enough.)
教學設計Unit 1 Lesson 2
Unit 1 Lesson 2
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the exercises on Page 73
2. Check the recitation/reading aloud of the dialogue.
Step 2. Reading
I. Reading comprehension
(Give Ss 10 minutes or so to read the text quickly and then do the reading comprehension exercises.)
Unit 1 Lesson 2
1.The text is mainly about Madame Curie's _____.
A. life, hard work and achievements B. college life in Paris
C. talent (天才) for physics D. cooperation (合作) with her husband
2. The greatest contribution (貢獻) Madame Curie made to the word is the discovery of ____.
A. uranium B. radium C. polonium D. silicon
3. Marie became interested in physics ____.
A. before she went to university B. after she graduated from university
C. before she graduated from university D. after she went to university
4. From this text you can infer that life was ____ for Marie when she studied in Paris.
A. hard and meaningful B. easy and colorful
C. hard and tiresome D. Easy and interesting
5. Marie began her research work after she ____.
A. graduated from university B. got another degree in mathematics
C. got married D. gave birth to her first child
6. The radioactive nature of uranium was first discovered by ____.
A. Marie B. Mr. Curie C. another scientist D. Mr. And Mr. Curie
7. Which mineral is the most radioactive?
A. Polonium B. Uranium C. Radium D. Silicon
8. When did Mr. and Mrs. Curie begin to do research work together?
A. After they got married. B. After Mrs. Curie got her degree in mathematics.
C. After Mrs. Curie found polonium D. After Mr. Curie got a job.
9. What is the meaning of the word "share" in the text?
A. Have free time. B. Have something in common. C. Study. D. Research.
10. The second paragraph shows Marie's ____.
A. determination to succeed B. belief in her own ability
C. devotion to her research work D. understanding of the importance of science
(Key:1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B)
While checking the answers to the ten questions, pay attention to those that are questioned.
For some, maybe you have to explain or analyze the meaning of the questions clearly and exactly, and for others, maybe you have to tell the students the meanings of the new vocabulary. Besides, some answers can be clear when the teacher and the students are reading the text carefully, so it is also OK to leave some questions aside for a while as long as you remember to mention them in the text.
II. Go through the text.
1. Say to the students,
"I'm going to play the tape of the text and you should read in a low voice after the tape. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. While you are reading, please think of this question "In what order is the text written?" And underline the useful phrases and expressions you find in the text."
If the students' English level is high enough, they can finish the tasks without difficulty. Then the teacher can go through the language of the text quickly.
If the students' English is not so good, it is necessary for the teacher to spend some time on the structure of the text in order to train and culture the students' of reading skills in grasping the main idea of a reading material. The teacher can ask the students to summary the main idea of each paragraph or pick out the key words in each paragraph and help the students to connect the internal relationship between each paragraph so as to find out the main idea of the whole text.
A. Language points:
a. succeed in doing /sth.
e.g. I am sure they will succed in passing the examination
b. in honor/honour of 為紀念……
e.g. They called the boy Sam in honour of his father who died before his birth.
c. On the laboratory bench was a glass container form which came a tiny soft light.
d. devote … to… (devote oneself to) 專心致志于……(do sth. In a very single-minded way)to 是介詞,后接名詞或-ing 形式。
e.g.1.He devoted part of his time to the study of history.
2. They devoted themselves to the work of children's health care.
e. give off 散發,放出 (to send out sth. especially a liquid, gas or smell)
e.g. 1. If plastic and rubber are burned, they give off poisonous gases.
2. The water gives off an unpleasant smell. You cannot drink it any more.
3.Let's go out and see the flowers. They're giving off a sweet fragrance.
f.give out 發出聲音,光,熱;分發; 發布;用盡(vi)
e.g. 1.The radiator is giving out a lot of heat, and my wet clothes are surely to become dry soon.
2. The teacher gave out the examination papers.
3. The news of his death was given out in a radio broadcast.
4. Her patient finally gave out and he lost his temper at last.
5. One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
f. work hard at 為了……而努力工作;致力于……
e.g.1. He is working hard at a maths problem.
2. You can make rapid progress in your English if you work hard at it.
B. Underline useful expressions and phrases while going through the text, for example:
be admitted to, be determined to do…, from then on, go by, share sth. with sb.
Step3 Workbook (Ex.3, Page 74)
1. Ex.4, Page 74 (分類找出,至少5個)
2. Read aloud the text and learn by heart paragraphs2 & 3.
教學設計Unit 1 Lesson 3
Unit 1 Lesson 3 (略)
set off :出發(vi);引起,引爆/引發(vt)
e.g.1. We'd better set off at 8 tomorrow morning.
2. A slight touch will set the bomb off.
3. Tom's speech set off a wave of anger.
set out 與set off 用法相似時,意為"出發,動身",另外,set out to do, set about doing 意為"著手去做。。。。。"
Unit 1 Lesson 3
! Radium may not do serious damage to ____.
A. people's health B. animal's life C. plants D. metal things
2. Which can be used to cure (治愈) human beings' disease?
A. Polonium B. Radium C. Uranium D. Silicon
3. The verb phrase "set off " in the text means to cause the bomb to ____.
A. start B. burst C. balance D. make
4. In which countries were two Radium Institutes set up?
A. Poland and America B. France and America
C. France and England D. Poland and France
5. Which characteristic(性格) belonged to Mrs. Curie?
A. Devotion B. Impatience C. Carelessness D. Selfishness
(Key1.D 2.B 3.B 4.d 5.A)
A Debate
The teacher says, " We all know that Marie Curie was a great woman scientist. Her are two opinions about her success. One is that she succeeded because she married Pierre Curie, a university professor at that time, and he and his fame actually helped her become famous. In fact, Marie Curie was not so outstanding as nowadays we think she was. Another idea is that Marie Curie's success is based on her hard work , brightness and the belief in herself. I'll divide all of you students into two groups and each of you can only be for one opinion and against the other. You have to show your evidence for the opinion that you support. When you show your idea and try to defeat those who are on the other side publicly, that is called "a debate". I'll give you some time after class to prepare for the debate. You can try your best to look for information about the Curies and you are supposed to put down what you think in your writing book. Then we'll hold a live debate and some students will be chosen to give their representation."
The teacher gives the students some time and necessary help in their looking for information and writing. Then an oral debate between two groups of four students each. After that, a rewriting of the debate.
【Madame Curie】相關文章:
Madame Curie08-09
unit1 Madame Curie08-17