短篇的英文詩歌 1
-by George MacDonald
The Sum is gone down,
And the moons in the sky;
But the sun will come up,
And the moon be laid by.
The flower is asleep, But it is not dead;
When the morning shines,
It will lift its head.
When winter comes, It will die---no,no, It will only hide,
From the frost and the snow. Sure is the summer. Sure is the sun;
The night and the winter, Are shadows that run. 眠
太陽已經落山, 月亮掛在天邊;
太陽會再度露面, 月兒卻消逝不見。 花兒雖已入睡, 但卻并未開敗;
曙光初照時分, 她又抬起頭來。 縱使寒冬來臨, 她也絕不凋謝;
不過暫且藏匿, 避開漫天霜雪。 夏天定會到來, 太陽將高掛中天; 不論黑夜寒冬, 都是過眼云煙。
短篇的英文詩歌 2
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries for them;no prayers nor bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, ——
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
短篇的英文詩歌 3
The seasons (Robert Stevenson)
Spring is gay with flower and song,
Summmer is hot and days are long, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,
Winter brings snow and the New Year again.
四季歌 (羅伯特史蒂文森)
短篇的英文詩歌 4
The moon is light.
The moon is gold.
The moon is like a boat.
I want to sit in it.
The moon is like a banana.
I want to eat it.
The moon is like Mum’s smile.
I want to kiss her.
短篇的英文詩歌 5
He wasnt too good with a razor
and every time he would try
Kris Kringle would cut himself shaving,so badly it caused him to cry.
The townspeople laughed when they saw him
with cut marks all over his face.
He felt so embarrassed and foolish
hed lower his head in disgrace1.
So one day he threw out his razor,and all of the townspeople cheered!
No longer would Santa be shaving.
Instead he was growing a beard!
But though he has given up shaving
and grown out a beard white and thick,most folks still remember those cut marks
and thats why they call him "Saint2 Nick."
短篇的英文詩歌 6
What is love
Love is a star shrouded in morning fog
Without you
Heaven is hell
Li River War lovely, subtle shaking
This. . . Shy sweet embrace -
On your beautiful lips,
I preferred kissing instead of the language
My kiss is like the smoke from my heart a flame!
Yesterday kissed my happiness,
today has come to naught,
I received a sincere love
Always the total can not be sustained.
Women to men there is a way to be happy;
but unfortunately the way to a man trapped in there more than three thousand kinds!
Only among the only true love.
"What is love?"
"..." No one can answer.
短篇的英文詩歌 7
A Dinosaur for Christmas
A dinosaur1 for Christmas is the only thing I need.
It doesnt matter if its slow
or one thats built for speed.
A massive one, a tiny one
or one thats in between.
A dinosaur thats muddy brown
or bright and shiny green.
I dont care if its big and tall
or really old and ugly.
I dont care if its rough and tough
or soft and cute and snuggly.
A spiny2 one will do the trick.
A scaly3 one is fine.
As long as its a living, breathing dinosaur, and mine.
I promise if you bring me one
Ill never ask for more,Thats all I want for Christmas:
just one single dinosaur.
短篇的英文詩歌 8
He knows He Has Wings Victor Hugo
What matter it though life uncertain be to all?何必去管它,人生總是無定? What though its goal Be never reached?有什么關系壯志難成? What though it fall and flee―又何必計較你蹉跌并敗奔― Have we not each a soul?我們豈不是各自有靈魂? Be like the bird that on a bough too frail要像那鳥兒在柔弱的枝梢,To bear him gaily swings,
He carols though the slender branches fail―雖然那細枝折斷了它仍歌唱― He knows he has wings!因為它知道自己有翅膀!
短篇的英文詩歌 9
A Farewel to Worldly Joyes Anne Killigrew永別了,塵世的歡樂安妮·基麗格魯
Farewel to Unsubstantial Joyes,永別了,空洞的歡樂,你是
Ye Gilded Nothings,Gaudy Toyes,涂金的虛無,華麗的玩具,
Too long ye have my Soul misled,太久,你使我的靈魂迷途,Too long with Aiery Diet fed:太久,給它空氣般的米黍:
But now my Heart ye shall no more但是我的心不會再被你迷惑,Deceive,as you have heretofore:雖然以前你曾經迷惑過我:
for when I hear such Sirens sing,當我聽到這樣的塞壬歌唱,
Like lthicas fore-warned King,像伊斯卡受到警告的國王,With prudent Resolution I以謹慎克制的決心,我將
Will so my Will and Fancy tye,堅決縛住我的意志和想像,
That stronger to the Mast not he,比他把自己縛于桅桿更緊,
Than I to Reason bound will be:我將使自己鉗制于理性:
And though your Witchcrafts strike my Ear,雖然你的.巫術撞擊我的耳鼓,
Unhurt,like him,your Charms Ill hear.無動于衷,像他,我傾聽你的法術。
短篇的英文詩歌 10
I Have Searched A Thousand Years 我尋覓了千萬年
I have searched a thousand years, 我尋覓了千萬年,
and I have cried a thousand tears. 我哭泣了千萬次。
I found everything I need, 我已經找到了需要的一切, You are everything to me. 你就是我的一切。
短篇的'英文詩歌 11
If I were to fall in love,It would have to be with youYour eyes, your smile,
The way you laugh,The things you say and do
Take me to the places,My heart never knew
So, if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you.
Ed Walter
短篇的英文詩歌 12
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is ,wont make you cry.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them.
Never frown1, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Dont waste your time on a man/woman, who isnt willing2 to waste their time on you.
Just because someone doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they dont love you with all they have.
Dont try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful3.
Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
短篇的英文詩歌 13
Walking so early;
Sweet Robin sits on the bush,
Singing so rarely.
“tell me ,thou bonny bird,
when shall I marry me?”
-“when six braw gentlemen
kirkward shall carry ye.”
“who makes the bridal bed,
birdie, say truly?”
-“The gray-headed sexton
That delves the grave duly.
“The glowworm o’er grave and stone
Shall light thee steady;
The owl from the steeple sing,
Welcome, proud lady.”
短篇的英文詩歌 14
O, where is thy home, sweet bird
With the song, and bright glossy plume?
"Ill tell thee where I rest,“If thou wilt not rob my nest ;
I built among the sweet apple-bloom !"
But, whats in thy nest, bright bird ?
Whats there, in the snug downy cell ?
"If thou wilt not rob the tree ;
Nor go too near, to see
My quiet little home, I will tell."
0, I will not thy trust betray !
The secret I will closely keep.
"Ive three tender little things
That have never used their wings !
I left them there, at home, fast asleep."
Then, .why art thou here, my bird
Away from thy young, helpless brood ?
" To pay thee with a song-
Just to let me pass along,Nor harm me, as I look for their food."
短篇的英文詩歌 15
If you fall in love when you are young
Please -- be kind to him
No matter how long or short you share your hearts
If your feelings may continue, then
Every moment will be peerless perfection
If you must leave, still bid her fond farewell
And be thankful in your heart
For the memories he left you
When you are older, you will realize
At the instant when you suddenly recall those moments
That youth without resentment is without any regret
Just like the aged moon gracing the hills with quiet clarity
短篇的英文詩歌 16
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more;
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.
短篇的英文詩歌 17
Dream Of A Day
When I was a little girl,
I always dreamed of this day,
I knew the words off by heart,
I knew exactly what I would say.
And I imagined my Daddy,
walking me down that aisle,
I could see the look on his face,
I could see the pride in his smile.
But life doesnt always run to plan,
I guess thats plain to see,
and some things just go and happen,
some things are just meant to be.
But this is meant to be a happy day,
happier for others than for some,
and I just wanted to share some thoughts,
because I wanted to tell you about my Mom:
My mother has been my inspiration,
she has guided me throughout my life,
and there are some words that I need to say,
especially now that Im a wife :)
Youve always been there for me,
just when I needed you the most,
and in a moment, well drink to you,
in a moment, to you we shall raise a toast.
Because you have shown me what love is for,
and the love that two people can have for one another,
you have shown me how to be a devoted wife,
and of course, how to be a wonderful mother.
Those six years were very tough,
but thats just when the tough got going,
and you showed Dad all of your love,
and gee, you did a lot of showing !
Even though youve lost the love of your life,
(and this is one of those meaningful rhymes),
The Lord will give you all of His strength,
to get you through your more difficult times.
And I will also always be there for you,
if you ever need a shoulder or a helping hand,
divided we shall fall and be conquered,
but together and united we will make a stand.
And if you need someone to just sit and listen,
then Ill be there just for you,
because after everything youve done for me,
this is the very least that I can do.
Today, I felt my fathers spirit,
I could feel him proudly looking on,
I could feel his love for us all,
I could feel where his love brightly shone.
He just wants you to be happy,
I know this from deep inside my heart,
and he knows that he will love you forever,
and he knows that youll never truly part.
And all that he will ever wish,
and this my dearest wish too,
is that I have such a wonderful marriage,
and that Im loved as much as he loved you.
And today, my Daddys spirit was with me,
and he did indeed walk me down that aisle,
and I imagined the look upon his face,
and yes, it was a very proud smile.
短篇的英文詩歌 18
I have a stream,I think every day can be corourful.
The red is symbol our loving ,we can see the world be full loving.
The blue is symbol our thinking,we can see the world be full thinking.
And the world will be looking like deeping.
The yellow is symbol our horizon, because Stand tall so see farther.Every thing will be simpling.
The green is symple our growth,The frush air will be washing our lung.And the little stream will be quietly grow.
I have a stream,I think every day can be corourful.
短篇的英文詩歌 19
Be thankful that you dont already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you dont know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when youre tired and weary,
because it means youve made a difference.
Its easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.
短篇的英文詩歌 20
friend is a beautiful thing
neednt delicately care
neednt cautiously treat
thats carefree full
you can share some fairs or not
and whats in your mind
its that you are not familiar
but like to be close to each other
when you get together
all in all
its a cyptical but wondrous matter
whats kinship
短篇的英文詩歌 21
This for turkey on Thanksgiving Day
is for “Hurry,I’m hungry!” we say
is for Auntie,she works and she mends
is for nature,she gives and never takes
is for kindness,gentle words,thoughtful deeds
is for smiles,the sunshine everyone needs
is for Grandma,the one we love most
is for ideas,the wisdom we cherish most
is for voices,singing,laughing,always caring
I is for Indians,who taught people about sharing
N is for neighbors,across the street,over thesea
G is for giving of myself to make a better me
短篇的英文詩歌 22
The Resolute Courtier Prithee, say aye or no;
If thou’lt not have me, tell me so;
I cannot stay, Nor will I wait upon A smile or frown. If thou wilt have me, say;
Then I am thine, or else I am mine own. Be white or black; I hate
Dependence on a checkered fate; Let go, or hold;
Come, either kiss or not: Now to be hot, And then again as cold,
Is a fantastic fever you have got. A tedious woo is base,
And worse by far than a long grace: For whilst we stay,
Our lingering spoils the roast, Or stomach’s lost; Nor can, nor will I stay;
For if I sup not quickly, I will fast. Whilst we are fresh and stout
And vigorous, let us to ’t; Alas, what good
From wrinkled man appears, Gelded with years, When his thin wheyish blood
Is far less comfortable than his tears?
短篇的英文詩歌 23
It takes more than blood to be a dad.
Oh this is surely a proven fact.
Ive seen men give his heart to a child …
Never once think of taking it back.
A Dad is the one who is always there;
He protects a child from all harm.
He gives a child the assurance that he
will be their anchor in any storm.
A real Dad is a man that teaches his child
all the things in life he needs to know.
Hes the tower of strength a child leans on.
The source of love that helps them grow.
There are men that children call Daddy.
Oh, he is their shelter when it rains.
He showers them with unconditional love.
As if it were his blood in their veins.
Whenever you meet a Dad that redefines the word,
honor him with all the respect that is due.
Understand that he proudly wears this banner……
Because his heart is big enough for you.
Its sad but true that not all men understand
it takes more than blood to be a dad.
Someday if they wake up to their empty life …
They shall miss what they could have had.
To those men who will never be a dad …
No matter what they say or do.
It takes more than blood to possess that title …
And its only found in a man like you.